Water purification method

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Avatar for Mahmud3949k
3 years ago

Human excreta are mixed with water to spread pathogens. Normally, if we excrete feces and urine within 100 yards of the sources from which we drink water, the germs can get mixed in the water of those sources. Mosquito flies sit on excrement and carry germs on their feet and spread it in food and water. Waterborne diseases; Usually diarrhea, typhoid, paratyphoid, indigestion, stomach ailments, and worm diseases are spread through water. All these diseases in some cases take a serious shape and it becomes very difficult to save the patient. Safe water sources; tubewell water, rain water, Indira water. Water purification process; The easiest way to purify is to boil water. Drinking water should be boiled for at least 15-20 minutes after boiling. Generally, 15 ml of a purification pill in 10 liters of water can be used after 30 minutes. Mix one-fourth of a teaspoon of bleaching powder in a jug of water and use it after 30 minutes.

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