Earning platform "Main" with my personal experience...

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Avatar for Mah-noor
2 years ago

Well , I have heard about main app few days ago from one of my friends , she told me that it is a wonderful app and act as a unique platform for people who wana earn . It is one of the best way to earn but I didn't know anything about it at that time coz it is totally new for me. But she always there for me and always help me in understanding new earning platforms like main .

Main is a crypto social network that has a specific kind of tokens and the price of the tokens may go up and down as crypto market' s graph ups and downs.

So let's explore this app in some simple steps .

Starting interface

Here am showing the main app picture , if you download this app from play store then open it and make account by adding email and username and this kind of interface will appear before you.

This is home page where you like different posts and also give rockets if you want to do that. Here are some icons that i will explain one by one.

Detailed scenerio

1: A home page where you like posts and give rockets to them , you can give upvotes if you like and if you don't like you can also give down votes ( frankly don't do so😄).

2:. Well second one that I have highlighted in the picture below is the eye icon that is used to search different boards in main . Boards are like communities or groups that you join and then you post in accordance with your joined boards rules . Kindly study the boards rules carefully before posting anything else.

3: The third highlighted one is in the center and used to post any material . Your may be if any kind either it is an article or a short title or video or any utube links or any other , it will be welcomed here but the condition is you have to follow board rules.

4:. Next is your notification panel where you can see your posts upvotes , down votes and rockets that has thrown on your post or any reward that admin has given you. The people you are following also show here.

5:. Last one is your own profile showing activity bar, amount of tokens and your fame. You have to increase your fame to post more posts and to earn more tokens. When I was starting this I fired rockets unknowingly 😂 and result will be loss of twenty tokens from my own tokens😆, so know am pretty much expert in it. BTW you please don't do this otherwise penalty will be cut from your tokens.

Personal profile

Anyhow let's explore personal profile to get more knowledge about it .

Here are four major highlighted portions

• Tokens

That will increase as you work more and more

• Activity

Showing some more depth with moderation , publication, comments and daily log in.

Publications bar will fill when you posts more content .

Moderation bar will move forward when you like new posts .

Comment section will definitely fill by commenting on others posts.

Daily log in is necessary to maintain your growth.

• Coins

You have to buy coins of any board you like , it will boost your tokens amount .

• Referral links

Referral system of main is amazing . More referrals can give you more referral reward in terms of tokens.

Click on the three dots and share your referral code with others to get more and more referrals.

Some helping material

Here are some utube links provided that may help you



Concluding sentence

Well I know there is many more about this platform that I have to tell you but in the coming sections of this topic . How to connect wallet , usage , withdrawal and buying main tokens and many more to tell you so I will write on it in detail again and explain new points about it, till then do miss me guys😂....

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @Roojoroojay
Avatar for Mah-noor
2 years ago


I also used the main network, but now due to busy schedule I can't manage posting there but I will back there after my terminal exams

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is good earning platform, hopefully you enjoyed it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago