Would You End It Too?

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Avatar for MaeAntoinette
9 months ago

Hello read.cash friends.

I am always on and off here due to some difficulties in life but as they say, life must go on. No matter where you are or no matter how hard life is, we need to strive harder to survive. It might be so easy to say it but hard to do so and some really have to give up.

When pecha de peligro comes, many are stressed out especially those mothers like me. Why? Because having children without a penny is like dying in pain. When my youngest ask for some bread, I will just say, there is still some biscuit. You can have it for now since we do not have money. My four year old son will answer, but papa have money in his wallet. I answer him, yes but it will be use to buy mineral water and rice. He won't believe and ask his father. He is young and can't barely understand how life is. Though we tried and tried in order to have extra income. We still run out sometime yet we never give up.

At times, our stomach murmurs because we have to let the children have their meal first before we can. But we survive and hubby still continue his online job hunting. Sadly, he was not hired after this morning's interview, though we still have many chances. We just have to get more hopes to continue until we get there.

However, something struck me yesterday. As I was busy reading back our group chat, I found out someone committed suicide on a live stream. I was afraid when I heard the scream of the audience after I accidentally click the video, thinking it was just a screenshot. I hurriedly close it and just read all the conversations. It was then I learned that he end his life because of hardship. Well, nobody knows the real story behind since all are just stories from those few who knows him not so well. But why does he end his life? Is it really the answer? After knowing about it, I search in facebook and found another teenager ends her life too. Is there struggle much harder than ours?

When life is really hard, I almost give up. My thoughts sometimes runs so dry that it goes on thinking that my children will be better having without me since I have insurance for them to receive. Though I will think too how will they survive without me? That is why, to end it too is not the answer. Problems are made with solutions as say. Too easy to say, right? But not for those who have less to talk with their hardships. So please for those of you who have friends and family out there, keep in touch. Try to say hi and how they are. Because you never know, you might be his lifesaver in the last minute.

How about you? How hard life for you to end it? If you were in those person's shoe, would you end it too?

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Avatar for MaeAntoinette
9 months ago


I also faces some challenges right now, there is a lot of bills to be paid and due dates are coming huhu.

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9 months ago