How do You manage your time ✅⁉️❓

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1 year ago

How do you manage your time?

Efficient time management defines the ability of people to perform their daily tasks effectively, both personally and professionally....

Time management refers to the way we organize and manage our time, based on a prior organization.

Because we live in the age of speed, the ability to manage our time efficiently makes the difference between success and failure.

Unfortunately, there is no universally valid time management strategy, so what works for one person, team, or company is not valid for another. Because we are different, we have different habits to do things and to use the 24 hours of the day correctly and efficiently.

Whether we are employees or entrepreneurs, when we talk about working life, the key words are "productivity" and "efficiency".

Self-discipline, perseverance and punctuality are essential qualities for project success, career advancement or building a successful business.

Here are some ways in which time can be managed more efficiently so that we can complete our daily tasks:

✔ Prioritize all activities

Prioritization means assigning a level of importance to all requests in a working day.

The first step towards efficiency is to write all the activities of a day on a piece of paper, divided according to importance. Their evaluation is essential for the efficiency of the working day, distinguishing between important things and urgent things.

✔ "Keep, Throw, Give" Technique

It has been shown that people who are not organized cannot manage their time effectively because disorder has a negative effect on our brain and performance.

To increase productivity, the following techniques can be considered, which can be applied in the office, but also at home: the configuration of three boxes, on which to stick the following labels: "Keep", "Give" and "Throw" .

In this way, all the things, tasks and objects that we do not need can be distributed in the "Throw" box. In the "Give" box will be placed the items to be sold, donated or, if we are talking about tasks, distributed to those who can perform them better.

✔ Stress management

It is vital that each person knows their personal stress level so that they can keep it under control and function better. In order to cope with all the demands at work or at home, people need breaks.

Disconnecting from exhausting tasks helps to restore inner balance, so after short breaks people will be calmer and will be able to concentrate better.

✔ Setting goals

A key point in time management is to set goals throughout the day: to accomplish a certain task or part of it. When we have a well-established goal, it will be easier for us to manage stress and increase efficiency.

✔ Focus on a single task and avoid multitasking

Although it was initially thought that performing several tasks at the same time saves time, it seems that this method actually decreases the yield.

The time lost in moving from one task to another can be invested in completing a single task, so we will have no difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention.

Focusing on a single task is the best way to get it done successfully without distractions.

✔ Setting boundaries

Many people accept as many responsibilities as they are given, without the ability to refuse. They do not say "no" either to maintain a positive impression or to show dedication to their work. Taking on more tasks makes it very difficult to develop a program that adapts to all requirements. People need to learn to set limits on the number of tasks they are willing to perform, as overwork can lead to burnout and stress.

Therefore, efficient time management helps to make efficiency more efficient, whether it is work or housework. Each person needs to identify the techniques that work best for them and apply them in order to complete their day-to-day tasks.

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1 year ago
