Dream of a World

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Avatar for Madalina
2 years ago

Dream of a world

… In which women love their men so much that they can never get their hands on a weapon again

… In which men have such an open heart that they can never see an enemy instead of a brother

… That the women may be gathered together, and offer the blood of the womb to the earth, that the blood of their husbands may never again bathe in the pride of this world.

… In which women feed in their wombs and give birth to the world the vision of perfect peace

… In which men receive in their hearts the blessing of true power

… In which women are offered the gift of security, so that they can freely offer the gift of life

… In which men can put the integrity of their own heart above the feeling of debt

… In which, together, men and women have the power to put Love above all else. Even when we seem to be forced to choose something else.

I dream of a world where it is as clear and clear as daylight that the separation in which we invest so much energy is another invention created to keep our hearts hard.

I dreamed of a world of open heart, no matter the circumstances. Tearing wide and non-negotiable. A world of love at all costs.


And maybe I'm not the only one…

$ 0.25
$ 0.17 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Mihhaimarrian80
$ 0.03 from @reanbooks
Avatar for Madalina
2 years ago
