How Environment help us?

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3 years ago

How Environment help Us?

The Earth is 4.543 billion years old the oldest tree alive is 9550 yeas old, and since then our environment helps us in many ways more than we can imagine. With trees, animal and microorganism we can`t make this far.

The environment provide for our basic needs like shelter, foods and even our cloths. Trees and plants us provide oxygen and food, it protects us form devastating calamities like flood and landslides, and most importantly tress and plant give us medicines. Mountain provide so much that I can`t mention it all, mountains serve us a barrier during typhoon, prevent massive tsunami to hit our land and it also provide us different kind of materials to improve our daily life and make us evolve. River, sea, oceans and other bodies of water provide us water and other resources, it is the shelter for many species of aquatic animal like fishes that we eat.

"Environment provide us almost every thing and we can`t repay it."

But more than that our environment helps us mentally and physically. It can influence our mind, body and soul to do good and be good. Hear are some examples:

1. The environment can make people interact to each other.

Environment makes everything happen even making people know each other more. A simple morning hike with family can make the family stronger and united. While walking into the woods your mind will be cleared of all the problems that the busy life give to you, you can talk peacefully and calmly with your family, without phones there is no distraction, you can`t read the bad news from the internet and you cant see toxic people and post from the internet.

2. The Environment can change peoples behavior.

In the silence of the woods and mountain, where all you can hear is the flow of the river and the sound of the birds. You can think more carefully and peacefully, just have a sit or a walk in the wilderness and you might find your true self and purpose.

Away from busy road and terrible people, think alone, answer all the question that is running inside your head for a long time. Take and deep breath and plan for better future. Think about your goals and your career.

“You might find more in the silence and emptiness than in room full of people and book”

3. The Environment can influence your mood.

Color have a deeper meaning and effect in our minds. Walking and being one with the nature can affect our mind because of many color that we see. According to color is a powerful communication too and can be used to signal reaction, influence mood, and even influence physiological reaction. A certain color have been associated with increased blood pressure, increased metabolism and eyestrains.

4. The Environment can change how you define the world

The environment can change how we define and see the world. It can open and free our minds. It make you respect and value the nature because without it we will have a hard time to survive.

As deeper we walk into the wood we can realize that trees and animal are hear long before human does. So why human act like they own the place? We act like we are the most powerful specie that God ever created. We treat animals without respect, we invade their home and destroy it for the benefit of humans. We discover and destroy every thing. And when the time comes that the nature reclaim? What are wo going to do? Where should we go?

There are more drought, typhoon, tsunami, earthquake, hurricane and other calamites hitting us, and what did we do? Nothing right? What if we plant more trees more than we cut. What If we use less chemical to minimized pollution of our waters. What If we recycle plastic and dispose it properly so it will not end up in our oceans.

“They say humans are the most intelligent species ever lived, humans are the superior of all. I guess we`re not intelligent after all, we destroy our home like have more, we kill animals like we created them. I guess we are not intelligent after all”

Humans can do better, we can do better. Make a stand for what is right. Be aware of what is really happening, we can loss what we have when we are not aware.

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Written by
3 years ago


Unfortunately, we do not show enough care and importance to our environment, nature and the world. Mankind thinks he is the ruler of the world, everything is under his control. However, during the pandemic period, we could not even overcome a virus epidemic. We couldn't go any further than finding workarounds. When faced with natural disasters, we think we can easily overcome it and we are wrong. Because the first rule of struggle is to take precautions. What can we do if we are not successful despite taking adequate precautions? What are the best solutions in this regard? However, we cannot even perceive what may be on the tip of our nose yet. We ignore scientists who warn us to come up with solutions on these issues.

I hope we get rid of burying our heads in the sand as we have done so far.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is the cause to be human, many people just don't care, but i think with a little effert and dedication we can do it. We can bring awareness through our word. We can push this. I hope im not the only one in this movement. And im glad we're on the same page.

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3 years ago