Everything Need Sacrifice

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Written by
2 years ago

November 25, 2022

We Always dream of something we want, something that will make us happy. We think about our dream job, dream home, and dream family. But when we try to make it happen we get tired and bored, and sometimes we lose hope. We lose our fire or motivation to do something that will make our life go forward or improve.

Based on my experience it is prevalent. Before I start doing something that I want, I will think that it is easy and everything will go to plan, I will just put some time and effort into it and everything will go smoothly. But as time passed by it will be more challenging and we become easily exhausted and drop like flies on the way.

Once our hope and energy are depleted we will just rest and browse on our phones, looking for something that will keep us going or something that will inspire us to move and push forward in our dreams. Sometimes it will end up great, we find something that will motivate us, but most of the time it is just a waste of time. We will see many people in the location we want, people that manage to become successful in the field that we are trying to be successful in. In the end, we will just watch them and we will be stuck in a location that we don't want. So what is the point of starting when we can't finish it?

They said, in life, there are two things we can to do be better at what we wanted to be. we can succeed or die trying. That are the two main differences between the people that make it or the people that succeed and the people that fail.

The People that Succeed

Those people that succeed never quit. Of course, they fail sometimes, they fall and lose hope, but they never stop trying until they perfect it. They put a lot of time, effort, and mind into their craft and never stop until it becomes normal or easy for them. They sacrifice everything they had and push through their goals like a hungry lion chasing its prey.

In addition, they surround themselves with people that have the same goal. They help each other, giving tips and guides so that many people in their group can benefit from one mistake. You don't what to be surrounded by people with no goal in life, it will be hard for you to move on if there is something that is holding you.

People that don't Succeed

Many people don't succeed in their dreams. Sometimes it's not just because they stopped or quit. Sometimes many people don't know where to go, some people are lucky because they know what they want or what is their calling in life. Many people are just lost and can't move.

But there are people that just quit. I know it because I often quit on many things. But it's not just I am tired or hopeless so I just quit. I sacrifice many things to pursue fields that I think many will benefit from it, I quit one thing for another.

At the end of the day, the most important part is we are still alive, as long as we are breathing there is hope. We can change and we can push through on whatever we want. We can be everything we want until we are alive and we are trying. Sometimes we just need a short or long rest from something so we can charge up and once we are ready we can work and push through again.

It is not easy to accomplish something, sometimes we need to sacrifice everything or more than what we have in order to be on the spot we wanted. But take your time, and make your own phase, life is not a race, we have our own time and our own battle.

Every day will not be always dark, just be yourself and wait for your turn, everything will be alright one day.

All images are from Unsplash.com 

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Written by
2 years ago


A very well written artcile, Success is a time taking process and the consistency in work is key to it

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It doesn't matter we always succeeded my friend because sometimes victory is for other person too but yes we should do hard work

$ 0.05
2 years ago