Cook Problems In Hostel Life!

3 74
Date: 12 May 2022

'Article No: 58'

'Topic: Cook Problems In Hostel Life!'

Hello Everyone!

I am back in the hostel now and hostel life started! Well there are a lot of things to say you guys but I have got less time because of some things and also for study, so I could not make it earlier. By the way, I am okay and hope you guys are okay too!

My great aunt is very ill and I expect a lot of prayers from you for her recovery!

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I would love to say Thanks to my sponsors as they keeps supporting me in my hard times. Hope your wallets gets rained with $BCH !

Cook Problems!


You know, whenever I return to the hostel from my home I think about only the thing most is, if the cook aunt is cooking regularly. And most of the time I ask to my roommates by calling if she is cooking regular and then if I get positive result I return to my hostel! But, if I don't get positive result then I make due one or two days to returning to the hostel.

Cooker Absence or Irregularity.


In the hostel there remains a cook aunt who are hired by students for three times cooking or preparing foods. And sometimes they become irregular, a few causes of this irregularity. (By irregularity I mean Absence!).

  • They become sick or ill.

  • Some of their family members gets sick and needed proper care.

  • They go to visit their relatives house sometimes.

  • If someone close person to them dies.

Well, it's normal for every cook to being sick and couple of unwanted problems can make them absent. And most of the time they gets sick by their carelessness & as a result then we have to suffer a little. This kind of suffering can be for one meal off or sometime one day meal off and sometime it take more than two days. If the problem goes bigger then we have to change the cook as we can not live on hotel or restaurant foods as those are expensive for three times a day.

How We Spent Those Days?


Well, as there are different ways we take the suitable for us by the time day!

If that meal is one time off then we can go to the hotel for breakfast or food home delivery for lunch or dinner.

If that meal is likely two times or one day or two days off then we cook our own food in the hostel with fried Eggs and Rice and mashed Potatoes!

You know it becomes expensive and time-consuming for cooking and eating if it goes more than two days off. So we leave for home until cooker returns or situation changes! And when the situation is good and cook returns then we come back in the hostels.

Well, I have posted on that topic because we faced that problem again today, after returning from weekend.

In the morning we had to cook our own food then returning from my tuition I had to do that again for lunch. So all day gone with being busy in cooking!

All the thoughts are written by me original. All the photos are taken from !

$ 1.84
$ 1.59 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Sonali
$ 0.05 from @Amback_forgood
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Whoever has a healthy-normal body, he will be sick, that is normal,, I am praying for your cooking Aunty. She will soon be back among you and your troubles will be gone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes cooking is also a time consuming and as a student I think it was hard for you to cook. Hopefully your cook will be better soon she can cook for all the students in the hostel.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I pray that your cooking aunt will get well soon and return to your cooking. Pay attention to your studies as well as cooking.

$ 0.00
2 years ago