Mystery of the human body Ep 1

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Avatar for MD.Morshadul
3 years ago

An exhibition of human bodies is currently underway in Berlin, the capital of Germany Many people flock there every day to see aquatic examples of the whole process of human birth, from body parts to organs. This human body exhibition in Berlin is called Corpervelten: Das Original or Body Worlds The Original Exhibition in English.

If you go here, you may be surprised at first In front you will see the scattering of human body and skeleton

If no one knew beforehand, you might not believe that these human bodies on display were once aquatic people like you and me.

You will see that these skinless people are looking at you Every muscle in the body is like a fresh red color The human body is being torn open to show what is inside Many of the mysteries of the human body have been uncovered since entering this Corpervalt exhibition.

How the devices hidden inside our bodies look and function is almost brought to life right in front of our eyes.

On one side of the exhibition, it is shown how the muscles of the human body work For this reason, the preserved human bodies have been made to stand in a single posture Which one is running, which one is standing in tennis, which one is riding again.

The funny thing is that the accompanying horse has also been specially preserved by dissecting it

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If no one knew beforehand, you might not believe that these human bodies on display were once aquatic people like you and me.

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3 years ago

Thanks for comment

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing article

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3 years ago

Thanks for comment

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

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3 years ago