3.Elon Musk also failed for the third time So someone asked Elon Musk You Muslims have also failed for the third time, do you think that you should stop this project now . So his answer was never I never give up This is the third generation of friends . Those who know that I have started doing this work, then I can fail Not once i fail again But whatever happens I will die by doing it I will not give up Elon Musk says if you're better than You can still fail but Your real drawback is that if you don't continue, don't get up and stand again. Always remember that no one is successful the first time You have to fail a hundred times to succeed once I teach you at work makes it stronger than before But if you learn from failures then you will never succeed Child things take time because we are not able to work in many things Because we don't offer our shopping in it We do not use our full potential ....continue

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@M-Tahir posted 3 years ago
