Movie Analysis: Apollo 11

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2 years ago

1. Discuss one situation or part in the movie where data was being processed manually then it was transformed into major information and intervention that somehow save the life of the astronauts.

As the ship begins to tilt out of control, with system buttons lighting up and oxygen tanks failing, mission control acts, attempting to solve the problem from the ground. The crew faced a perilous situation in the hours ahead, and they worked frantically to assess, mitigate, and manage it. The crew and mission support team were beset by ongoing issues with power constraints, water consumption, communications, and carbon dioxide accumulation, forcing them to create new procedures and reconsider their basic assumptions about the Lunar Module's capabilities. Ken believes that if they can remove the unnecessary steps from the checklist, he will be able to reclaim the men with the limited strength they have. He instructs the simulator team to provide him with the same conditions and equipment as the Odyssey crew, and he begins working long hours without rest to devise a procedure. A further difficulty emerges shortly after when it is discovered that all three men in the LEM are using more oxygen and producing more carbon dioxide than planned. Fred Haise realizes that calculating oxygen reserves for only himself and Jim was a mistake because they would be the only two operating the LEM. The ground crew notices that the LEM filters are round, whereas the craft's only other filters (for the Command Module) are square. A group is formed to develop a filtration system using the craft's limited resources. The crew is working nonstop to create a new filter. They get a call from Houston warning them of the oxygen problem right as the CO2 saturation signal turns on, and they work fast to put together the filter that the ground crew developed. The procedure is successful, and the filter cleans the ship's air supply.

2. The importance of computer technology has somehow shifted, and the advancement of these technologies became possible because of the apollo program NASA has brought a great impact on the progress of mankind. Discuss what will happen to us if these space programs were never developed.

If these space initiatives are never launched, no technological advancements that will help us enhance our lives on Earth will be made. We wouldn't have GPS, reliable weather forecasting, solar cells, or ultraviolet filters in sunglasses and cameras if space missions weren't funded. Medical research is also taking place in space right now that could cure diseases and extend human life, and these experiments aren't possible on Earth. Space exploration may be the key to human survival. The burden on our natural resources continues to grow as we develop new technology on Earth. The extraction of valuable minerals has resulted in a slew of issues, including environmental devastation and human exploitation, yet space has a variety of valuable resources. Planetary Resources, for example, wants to mine asteroids instead of Earth, which would provide a practically limitless supply of rare raw minerals. Hundreds of technological innovations derived from space programs are introduced into our everyday technology each year, including improved home appliances, advances in farming equipment, faster communications, more precise maritime and aerospace technologies, safety through dangerous weather warnings, improved medical instruments, and other innovations.

3. “Punto de Vista”, do you think going back to basic is important? Discuss how this helps in the complicated and comprehensive aspect of the workflow (Data-Information-Knowledge).

Yes, it is critical to return to the basics. This is significant in our life because it helps us deal with the frequent changes we face. Technology offers several options for speeding up development and transferring data. The movement promotes simplicity and adherence to fundamental concepts, implying a return to the basics for those whose lives have grown overly complicated. The fundamentals will provide us with the information we need to open our game in whatever way we see suitable. On the other hand, if we ignore these notions, we're likely to create undesirable behaviors that are difficult to overcome. The workflow of an organization is made up of the procedures it needs to complete, the people or other resources it must complete those activities, and the interactions between them. It's critical to understand the fundamentals because if we don't understand that we must use our prior knowledge and place all the data and information in context to interpret it correctly using our knowledge, we'll end up with an Information Management System. Users are left to their own devices to search through infinite manuals, flowcharts, or wiki-type systems, and each is left to interpret the material in their way. Some processes in health care, like those in other industries, are planned, while others emerge organically and change. Organizations' processes and techniques for achieving certain goals range substantially. Some organizational workflows appear to be simpler than others. When workflow processes are examined in isolation, they often appear to be extremely rational (and even efficient) in their actions toward the final goal. Complexity arises from the interactions between the processes. Some of these interactions conceal tensions between the priorities of different positions in an organization, such as the nursing team's responsibilities vs the physician team's timetable. Workflows are also adjusted to fit the changing environment. Reflecting on organizational workflows over time may reveal that some processes are no longer required or that they can be changed and streamlined.

4. Do you think the space program NASA has influenced the advancement of medical or health technologies? Discuss a process.

Yes, the space programs of NASA have influenced the advancement of medical or health technologies. From solar panels to implantable heart monitors, from cancer therapies to lightweight materials, and from water purification systems to enhanced computing systems and a global search and rescue system, space exploration has influenced many parts of daily life. The economic importance of space will grow even more if the ambitious future exploration goals described above are met. Space exploration will continue to be a key driver for unlocking new scientific and technological fields, causing other industries to collaborate with the space industry on collaborative research and development. Microgravity, radiation, and isolation are all factors that astronauts face when in space. Some of the changes they've noticed in their bodies are health issues that come with aging or leading a sedentary lifestyle. Experiments on astronauts in space help us better understand medical conditions on the ground. This study yielded results that potentially aid persons with cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, balance issues, and other ailments. They are revolutionizing surgery on the planet. The International Space Station has allowed for several operating room advances. Surgical robots like neuroArm, a highly precise robotic arm capable of performing brain surgeries that would otherwise be impossible, and Modus V, a second-generation robotic digital microscope that helps patients with a variety of brain and spine conditions, were developed using the same expertise that powered space robots. NeuroArm is the world's first robot capable of doing surgery inside magnetic resonance machines, allowing neurosurgeons to undertake complicated brain surgeries with increased safety and speed. They aid in the detection and treatment of breast cancer. IGAR, a medical robot capable of doing very precise biopsies to diagnose breast cancer, was developed using the same technology as space robots. IGAR performs extremely accurate and minimally invasive procedures that cause the patient less pain and discomfort. They also help folks in rural areas with medical needs. Because of communication satellites, specialists in urban areas can immediately deliver medical advice to health care practitioners in rural areas. They're also working along with space firms and the medical community to develop more portable medical equipment that can be utilized in areas where hospitals aren't readily available, with the objective of enhancing access to care for those living in distant areas. These technologies have the potential to improve patient care on Earth by increasing access to medical assistance and shortening test result wait times.

Thank you.

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