Let's talk about a life experience in communism.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Real Life, Write, Human, Personal, ...

The last time I did university studies, it was to obtain a doctorate in educational sciences, just this month it will be June 22nd 10 years since that exhibition.

After studying a lot and preparing myself in a university career to become a teacher at my Alma Mater, the University of Zulia, I still believed at that time that Venezuela would have a democratic solution. I was wrong!

How sorry I am for having had so many hopes, I really prepared myself all my life to educate, I felt when I entered the classroom that this was my world, my vocation to go and teach the kids, my world was the degree in education with mention in computer science, so I kept myself updated and also it made me feel good to study, I remember the university and the classrooms, I remember my students and I miss them with nostalgia.

Many of those kids who were with me in the classroom are not in Venezuela today, I have at least the encouragement that maybe some of them will arrive with my message of contempt for socialism, a structure of ideology that destroyed my country, we had everything, Venezuela was a country that had everything, but this group of heartless mercenaries of the government regime destroyed every possibility of education, health, production, that is, everything, little by little as in a book the pages were turned over time but unlike a book there was absolutely nothing left.

I remember a scene very well, when basic products began to be scarce, I went down to buy a medicine in a drugstore, at the moment there was liquid dishwashing liquid, the kind that hurts your hands, and when I saw it on the shelf I took it, cancelled the product, and left the drugstore; Exactly my dear reader, I forgot to buy the medicine for which I had gone down the pharmacy, then I discovered in me a phenomenon that I did not know if it was the happiness for something basic, having found at that moment dishwasher to me made me forget anything. I arrived that day to class, and I told my students what had happened, I was ashamed to say it, but I think the message was necessary, today I think about it and I think it was good to tell that experience because maybe some of them could use it to leave.

I continued in my country, I went to my classrooms, and when in Venezuela the student movement began to stand up for the country I got very angry because I did not have enough support, I even confronted the police forces because they were stationed in a corner near my university, I went to marches, I shared my anger through social networks, I continued fighting, but as the years went by I saw how my nephews were also leaving the country, I had to see how they intimidated us, I had to feel in my own flesh the barbarity of a so-called Chavista gesture.

What are the Chavistas? For me they are a group of social resentment, opportunist people who destroyed the country, some who benefited from the social unrest that was already reigning.

Who were the worst? Although it seems unbelievable, there is something worse than the Chavistas, the opportunists by trade, those wrongly called "bachaqueros" who took advantage of getting products, medicines or goods to sell them at a higher price to anyone and without morals.

What happened then?

Socialism was already in place, but the baseness of thought was being born in many people, people who wanted to have money for the social plans, some who only thought of their own benefit, the country was falling but they were doing well. Those people who voted against a democratic solution.

Unfortunately many people like me, educated, with several degrees, who had hope in our country today we do not even have dreams, for example my university does not even work. The sadness left by socialism has been enormous, without exact measure but with a lot of pain in the soul.

Today Venezuela is a poor country, one where the vaccination system is done as a kind of lottery, besides that the vaccines that are being administered are barely recognized by the WHO for low income countries, there is no food, life is dollarized and salaries are very low. My country is no longer my country.

I am sure I will miss the beaches, I will miss my family, I will miss for sure who I am, but if the opportunity is given then I would say goodbye to Venezuela. Because this experience in communism is terrifying for me, it is terrifying for the young people but much more for the children who are growing up in nothingness.

May God have mercy on our infinite universe, may God look upon Venezuela as the country it once was, so that at some point the baseness and wickedness will end AND Venezuela will once again become the country it once was.

I am not talking about communism in history, although we all know that in history communism has been a failure, there is no communist country that is completely happy, surely its people will feel oppressed, surely the concept of freedom is not such, it is likely that more than one wants to be free in another land, let someone come and talk to me now about communism as a good strategy, I must say no, that countries like Cuba and Venezuela speak of the terror of the years under misery, that I as a Venezuelan still in my country cried every night because I miss the Venezuela that was.

Let someone tell me that communism works, and I will say no, please open my universities, give me back my students, give me back that feeling of coming to the classroom to teach.

Surely there will be many stories like mine, in which the feeling can reflect much more, I am talking about a way of seeing things, my way. I can only ask God for a miracle and nothing more.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Avatar for Luisa_Slwzl
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Real Life, Write, Human, Personal, ...