How to lose your belly fat? Well, this is one of the highest asked question all over the world. Some people will deny but it’s true dear. Most often you will hear the suggestion of performing hard exercise. But is it true? I will not say it’s a lie but I would like to add something more. Look, loosing your belly fat is not the solution you are looking for. Our body's hormones are highly responsible for it too. Transformation of your body fat highly depends on your diet plan too.

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@Lucifer01 posted 2 months ago


Losing belly fat is one of the hardest thing to do. Even those frustrated people who underdogs surgeries might still have them still if not properly dealt with. Disciple is one of the key factors on losing them

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2 months ago

If the belly fat is not hereditary, then it definitely can be reduced through watching out the calorie intake and weight training exercises..

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2 months ago

OMG!!!!! Is that you? For real? Big hug 💕 Missed you so much Bhargavi.

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2 months ago