Chandpur: A day at City of Hilsa Fish

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Avatar for Lucifer01
1 year ago

Date: 1st August, 2022. Monday

A fresh month is here and we all bade goodbye to July. That was a memorable month for me. I had both happy and sad moments in it. That's life and I expected. But something unexpected happened yesterday when I made a journey to one of the beautiful and obviously economically important city of Bangladesh. A tour that was so desired for me but had less chances in past to make that happen untill yesterday. I went there, enjoyed witnessing the ferocious face of Padma river, walked to the biggest Hilsa fish market and enjoyed everything.

A journey is always pleasure for me and I rarely miss this type of chances. Guys you all know that I was irregular for last two months but things are better now. I feel like I can do something great again. Seems like my mojo is back. Thanks to Detective Decker aka Chloe who has the faith on me. Oh, I'm again dragging myself in the character again. Well, it is not the time to do this. Perhaps it is the time to introduce you all to the city of world famous Hilsa fish. Hop with me and have the refreshing moments of Chandpur, the city of Hilsa.

The night before yesterday, one of my ex colleague phoned me and asked me if I was free yesterday. I replied in the affirmative and asked the reason of his asking such question. Well he rarely ask this type of questions and I know it always has deep meanings. He suggested a journey to another district, far from my home. Chandpur, the city of Hilsha fish. Have you heard that before? Well, it is the national fish of Bangladesh. People all over the world highly love this fish because it is so delicious in taste. Our country export this fish to different countries and earns a huge amount of foreign exchanges. Ok, not in mood to talk about economics.

We decided to start our journey by train. The reason behind of it was low cost. Comparing with other transport system, it is actually low. On the right time, we all reached at the station. We were 4 in number. Two were my ex colleagues and another one was their friend. Unknown person but so friendly. We waited for the train and had some snacks. We heard the whistle and there arrived the train. We had only two minutes to find our compartment. We rushed and found it. Along with other people now we were going towards our desired destination.

The train started and the fun began with it. It stopped in various stations. The right time came and we went out to discover a new place, Chandpur. When we got out of the compartment, we felt that buzz of that area. There was a big signboard which indicates the history of that area. Well, a big artificial hilsa fish craft was there and we all clicked pictures of it.

The whole area was so energetic. People, specially buyers from different corners of the country visited there and we all enjoyed the bargaining moment there. The sellers and buyers verbally got engaged and that’s a traditional stats. The whole market area was full of people and the scene was something which I will remember for a long long time.

We returned in the evening but it put a memorable remark on my brain. What a lovely day to end the month of July! Looking forward for more adventures.

  • All the pictures belong to me.

Thanks for being with me.


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Avatar for Lucifer01
1 year ago


Hello Luci, I hope you are doing well.🤗 This is amazing. I like to eat fish but I have never tried Hilsa fish. It must be very healthy. Nice trip. I enjoyed reading. 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

An outing is always fun, especially when it is with friends. An outing once a while can be useful to refresh ourselves.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That was a great adventure, dear cousin. You deserve to do that from time to time. Did you buy some fish? I bet it will no longer be fresh when you arrive home except if you put it in a styro box with ice in it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow thats a lot of fish Luci. Dis you buy some?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

A lovely day indeed. So Hilsha is your national fish there in Bangladesh which looks delicious like ours . Here in the Philippines, Bangus is our national fish and it is my favorite. Hilsha and Bangus kind of similar in appearance.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hope you also have bought some fishes for you. Thank you for sharing this lovely experience of Hilsa fish in Bangladesh.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What a great journey you had Luci! The fish are big and it looks like it's delicious when it's grilled.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Dear Lucifer, I'm glad you had an exciting weekend and a memorable journey to City of Fish. This city you introduced must be very interesting, and what a lively atmosphere there is everywhere.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow! There are a lot of fish luci. I love fish luci honestly. I missed eating fish that's why last night I cooked some fish soup and fried fish.

$ 0.00
1 year ago