๐ŸŒนHello everyone, my name is Lucas and this is my first post here on read.cash... I would like to share some interests that I believe we can share to introduce myself๐ŸŒ. I got to know noise cash a month ago and through it I also found readcash... ๐Ÿ’ป I read some good posts and realized that it is essential to publish quality content, which is also very interesting because I love to find good reviews, texts and opinions after all, here we can post an opinion or personal matters if you respect the rules. I think this is brilliant and I hope to be on the right path to start this activity too atividade ... I have many interests and I particularly enjoy talking about music, cryptocurrencies, movies, investments, philosophy, art, psychology and more besides good news, of course, Living in Brazil it's very good and that's also good to remember the positive aspects of the country I live in, but I also try to be very realistic about the problems we face... My username for noise.cash is Lucaspss94 and I would like to give welcome all you guys with great affection ๐Ÿ™ .. I'm 26 years old and I studied music for 4 years in addition to having performed various activities, but my activity on the internet is small on social networks and I even use my cell phone to write. And thinking about that, I really believe in the future of cryptocurrencies ๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿค”, today I hear some people saying that they have lost money recently, but that in my view are just some positions that would be eliminated anyway ๐Ÿ™„ .. I like the idea of โ€‹โ€‹having cryptocurrencies to keep and see the news, always full of controversy ๐Ÿ˜ .. In addition, I try to value some works that I find on the internet and that serve as documentaries, music tips and websites. Well, actually it's more or less what I intended at the beginning, but I still have some doubts and I would like to ask you some tips because I haven't really learned how to use all the functions here yet. Well, I got a tip from the noise group saying that it's interesting to make posts with a text that has about 4 minutes of reading, which I think is good, but should I also participate in groups like in noise?

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@Lucaspss posted 2 years ago
