Today's journey

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2 years ago

I slept at around 2 a.m. earlier. It's as though my body knew that I have no work for the day. My body clock is used to not sleeping early when it's weekend the next day. I've had a lot thoughts going on my mind and I've been talkative lately. I know how annoying I can be and how difficult things are going to be for the people around me. I can't do things by myself, I always needed someone to help and guide me.

The first time I rode a bus by myself was nerve wracking for me. My palms are sweaty, my knees are shaking and I don't feel well. It was when I had to go home by myself from Manila since I have no other mode.of transportation aside from bus. It was the part in Manila where only buses pass by. I even posted it because I'm way too proud of myself for doing it alone for the first time and I was 20 years old that time.

Honestly, I have no sense of direction and I cannot travel by myself because I'll definitely lose the way and I can't go home to my family. As I was preparing my requirements, I always have someone to help me ride the bus, LRT, and be with me as I travel back and forth and fill out papers. Even now for my new job, I had to walk back and forth. I don't know why I always needed someone to be with whenever I go out.

I have an appointment with my dentist at 1 p.m. today. My mom was doing the laundry when I wore up. I ate my brunch, took a bath, and prepared to leave, same with my mom. I booked a grab car and got stuck in the traffic. My dentist told me not to be late as she has other patients aside from me.

I've always been late whenever I have an appointment with her because I always wake up late. I was working as a call center agent and I'm on mid shift. I work from 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. I'll be fast asleep at 4:00 a.m. and wake up at 12 noon or 1:00 p.m. then start preparing for my work. I'm just glad that she is understanding and even though I'm late she still accepts me as she understands how difficult it is for me to wake up early. I usually have an appointment with her at 11:00 a.m. which leads to 12:30 p.m. because I woke up late.

My braces session lasted for about 45 minutes then after that my mom and I went to our next stop which is the massage therapist on the same building. My mom booked an early reservation for the two of us. I was recommended by my dentist to have a therapy at least every after my appointment with her. My back, shoulders and head are stiff due to my jaw problem that's why I needed to have a therapy sessions.

The therapist was accommodating and she always make sure that we are comfortable while we have our therapy sessions with her. It was painful and relaxing at the same time. This has also been my time to bond with my mom. She goes first then after her, it's my turn. As I was waiting for my finish her session, I decided to play in arcade. I tried playing with the claw machine but as expected, I was unable to get any stuff toy. Then, I just decided to play basketball. It's been a while since I played and the good thing there is that I'm the only person inside the arcade. After the one hour therapy session, my mom and I decided to eat.

We entered a fast food restaurant and decided to dine in as the therapy session made us feel hungry. Our vaccination card was asked upon entrance. Good thing that me and my mom are both fully vaccinated. As we were eating, my teeth and gums hurt a lot as I try to chew my food. I flinch everytime I chew. I can't also eat ice cream since I just got back from the massage therapy session.

After eating, I asked for a paper bag where I can put my chicken which I almost haven't eaten. I just had soup and drank a juice with no ice. My dentist told me that she can't recommend any pain reliever as it's normal for me to feel pain especially the day after I've had my braces on. I don't have a choice since I don't want my jaw to keep falling.

After eating, I booked another grab car but there was none available. It was difficult to book a grab car since our current location was inside a village and only few vehicles were able to pass that area. I had to cancel my first booking and tried booking for the second time. It was still time consuming to wait for a driver to pickup at our location but there was one car who decided to do so.

When the grab car came, I felt nauseous and I felt like I'm about to vomit, so I decided to just close my eyes and try to relax. After relaxing for a while we were able to reach home.

Today is tiring yet fulfilling. I'm grateful to my mom for always being with me in every travel I needed to have.


October 30, 2021


Sponsors of Love_16

$ 0.45
$ 0.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @JHT09
Avatar for Love_16
2 years ago


Wow super supportive naman ni mommy mo.. You are very lucky to have a mom like her.. Hehehe.. Base in your article masasabi ko nga na pinoy ka.. Meron pang pabalot ng chicken.. Hahaha filipino tradition..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup 100% proud Pinoy 🥰🇵🇭

$ 0.00
2 years ago