Love VS Hate

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3 years ago

Each person has a different definition of love, but hate has the most generic definition.

Love is defined by a person based on how he perceives, accepts, shows and gives love to the people around him, while hate in the other hand is like a deadly disease which can't be cured not until forgiveness was given to the oppressor.

Love has different quotations which were used in slam books or used whenever someone was asked about what love is. No one can really understand it's depth not until it was experienced first hand.


I Corinthians 13:3-8 NLT

13:3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

13:4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud

13:5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.

13:6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.

13:7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

13:8 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!

This is the definition of love in the Bible. I know that not every believes that there is God or that the words written in the Bible are true but this particular verse has already explained what love is.

There are also different types of love.

  1. Philia - Brotherly Love

  2. Storge - Love for the family

  3. Eros - Romantic love

  4. Agape - Selfless love or Love of God

There are also different love languages.

  1. Words of affirmation.

    ~ Appreciate the person you love by saying positive words about him/her such as 'you're gorgeous' and 'you're the best'.

  2. Acts of service.

    ~ You take time to serve the person you love by cooking meals, driving and picking him/her up from work.

  3. Receiving Gifts.

    ~ Give gifts which doesn't need to be expensive but valuable and can be used by the person you love.

  4. Quality Time.

    ~ Taking time to talk about how life goes. Listening and being listened to is one of the best feelings in the world.

  5. Physical Touch.

    ~ Embrace, holding hands, kisses, cuddles leaning on the shoulders are the examples of this love language.

Those are just a few things about love but when you look at hate, it's something too deep to uproot.


Hate is more than just words or emotions, it's a baggage that most people have carried in their hearts. It's something unexplainable just like love.

There are different reason why a person is hated. It depends on the degree of the action done, to whom it is done and the level of damage it caused someone.

Hate is destructive. It's painful in the part of the oppressed and traumatic even to his family.

Hate come in many forms.

  1. Mind - It might be cursing someone in the head or even thinking about something bad against someone.

  2. Action - Hurting someone in any way especially physically and emotionally.

  3. Heart - This is the deepest level of hatred. It's when no words or actions can be done in order to forgive someone who hurt you.

Hate is from being unforgiving. It's like being chained which makes a person stuck on the same position for the same reason for the longest time.

You become bound in the past oppression you have experienced.

Hate comes from the pain you have felt in your heart. The pain is just too much to bear which lead you into hating the person who caused you pain.

You become bound by the pain and it's as if there's no way of turning and stopping the pain.

The degree and level of pain plus the person who committed that pain against you are the factors of hatred. True enough, no one can judge someone who loves as well as someone who has hatred in his heart.

Isn't it more fulfilling and more liberating to live your life with no hatred at all? But as I said earlier, I am never in anyone's position to judge anyone.

Personal Experience:

I don't like being around men that much. It was a habit I've formed at an early age. I don't have that good kind of experience with stranger men. I felt suffocated and I just don't really like their presence.

When I was around 8 years old, I've had the first worst encounter with a man. I wasn't assaulted or whatnot but he showed his private part to me, asking me to massage it so it won't stand proud and hard. I was too startled to even talk. I just remembered telling him that I can't do it and I won't do it. He even told me that he will pay me for a good amount but I told him no. Good thing the guard went over to my side and the man was gone.

We had to file a case against that man and they even sent a police to patrol the area for a month, but the man didn't show up. I even had a few more worse experience with men which contributed to how I dress up now. When I wear shorts, I feel naked and I don't want being surrounded by many men. I don't like being touched by them or even needing to pass through them.

I overcome it by forgiving them even though they didn't ask for it. It was a difficult situation for me but as time goes by I am okay. I felt better and I even acknowledged the fact that not all men are like that.

There are still good men which includes my family. You see, forgiving isn't an easy thing to do. It was a decision and a process. I was able to do it when we had an encounter retreat at the church. I never thought that it creates a huge impact in my life not until I was able to release forgiveness to them.

I'm not saying that all of us has the same experience or the same thoughts. What I'm trying to imply is the fact that hate can be overcome with forgiveness. It might take some time but once released, it's all worth it.


February 6, 2021


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