Intimacy during pandemic (Celebrations)

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3 years ago

If there's one thing that I can testify about this whole situation during pandemic, that is the fact that celebrations because more exclusive to most people. No need to rent a venue, prepare food for a hundred people or more and no money to spend for an extravagant celebration. Things became a lot easier as per the preparation and the expenses were also limited.

Proms. Proms had been done virtually. With female students wearing their best dress, high heels and make ups on while the male students wore their tux to entice their female classmates and schoolmates even if it's just done virtually. Many of them still enjoyed. A tiktok video was posted where the female students of a junior high school wore their prom gowns and their full make up and pass on the bag of their dresses. It's an exciting video to watch for it showcased the talents and creativity of the students.

School events. There was a teacher who has an annual story writing for her students. She allows her elementary students to write a story and make the main characters of their stories into a stuffed toy. Since it's impossible to hold the celebration face to face, she went to each and every house of her students, knocking on their doors or ringing their door bells. The teacher wears her white dress with the characters drawn by her students imprinted to it. There is always a way for anyone who wants to do something special in order to continue what has been the tradition for a long time.

Graduations and recognitions. Graduations and recognitions had been done virtually. The students will no longer need to march and go up the stage in order to receive their diplomas or awards. They just needed to sit back and enjoy the whole duration of program while in their homes. Although it's saddening as to how they can't celebrate the usual way of celebration, it's fine as long as they stay safe together with their families.

Christenings/Dedications. Choosing the right godmother and godfather for your kids is the first thing that comes in mind as the time for him or her to enter the Christian world. When this celebration is done during the pandemic, the only present people are the parents, the priest or the pastor, and a few godparents. It's the best time to celebrate with only a few people than to celebrate with a crowd become positive tomorrow.

Birthdays. A quarantine birthday is not so bad as the regular celebration of birthday. Less expenses, less people to cater, less preparation, and less people to please. It's the right time to celebrate with just the immediate family members since the other friends and relatives can join online. This type of intimacy is seldom for most of the times many people come to celebrate with you for your birthday.

Anniversaries. This is the time when a couple celebrates the time of their wedding or the time when they were an official couple. Photos can be posted as an appreciation for your partner while things became simpler. The joy of anniversary stays the same regardless of the people who were with you during your day of celebration. What's more important is that you celebrate your anniversary with your husband or your wife and both of you are healthy.

Weddings. Had been limited to a few members of the family. Parents, bride and groom, priest or pastor, photographer and a few close friends. This time this celebration has been more intimate than ever. With only a few visitors who really cares for the couple and who had been the witness of their journey as couple. There's no need to be extravagant in the wedding hall and the wedding reception. Everyone is genuinely happy and caring for the couple.

Thanksgiving. The real reason for Thanksgiving is the goodness and greatness of God regardless of what you're going through. The Lord has been so faithful with you no matter what happens. His goodness is all the more seen through the tough times. The fact that you're still living right now with home, your healthy family and food on the table is enough proof of God's goodness that never falters.

Christmas. The traditional Christmas is filled with different parties, exchange gifts, meeting the relatives, cooking different dishes for a huge number of people, shopping new clothes, going to church with family and even going on a holiday trip. This year it's a stay at home celebration with the immediate family members. No matter how much many people wanted to spend it with their friends and relatives it's not possible especially when there is a new strain of the COVID-19 found in UK.

New Year. The countdown is now just limited to family members at home. It might not be as noisy and as extravagant as before but it will always be worth it especially if the whole family is safe and healthy. What's more important is the whole family coming together in order to celebrate a new year coming through and saying goodbye to this exhausting year ready.

Celebrations might not have been the way it used to be but what's more important is the blessing of life that God has given His children.


December 23, 2020


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