Happy birthday Jesus!

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3 years ago

Happy birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thank you Jesus for being born. For without you, we will not be able to celebrate this season.

It's Jesus birthday today! I feel happy because I am able to celebrate His birthday with good health and enough food on the table.

Have you greeted Him already?

Have you given Him your sincere prayers?

If not, there's still some time to do so!

May we not let this time pass doing nothing. It's time to start a new Christmas tradition of giving Jesus what is due to Him.

I thank God for giving me my family. Without them I will never be who I am today. I won't be able to achieve what I have achieved so far. I can't imagine life without them.

I thank God for good health. I have a senior citizen father, a street sweeper mother and siblings who work on site. They travel on a daily basis to from home since their jobs are not amenable for a work from home set up. I have weak immune system but God's grace and protection was with me and my whole family. December has been eventful for me but God's grace is with me at all times.

I thank God that my ministry in the church still continue. I praise God that we had been able to start our physical services again starting the first Sunday of December. None of my churchmates has been exposed to positive COVID-19 patients.

I thank God for this opportunity to write and express my feelings without being judged. I've been writing this but let me write it again. Read cash has been my outlet of ideas and emotions. I am able to share my thoughts without the fear of getting judged or criticized for writing my articles.

I thank God for giving me His favor while I prepare for my employment next year. I'll be having new job, new career, and new working environment.

I thank God for allowing me to help and give gifts this Christmas. Even without job, I'm blessed enough to treat my family with even in simple ways. Read Cash has helped me a lot with my finances.

I thank God for allowing me to be surrounded with the right people. I have my spiritual support who are my churchmates, leaders and pastors at church. I have my family who never demanded anything from me. I have my nieces and nephews to remind me that I'm always surrounded with little angels in their form. I have friends from work who treats me with love and respect and vice versa.

I thank God for the silent battles I've had this year with Him by my side. Even though I've cried a river this year, God's grace and love never falters.

I thank God for the blessing of singleness. Not because I'm single, it means that I'm unhappy. I'm more than blessed and contented with my life as single. I'm still growing by myself and when God knows that it's time for me to have him then he'll allow me to meet him.

I thank God for giving me the means and inspiration in writing about life. Life is always worth living especially with God.

I thank God that me and my family had food on our table, money to pay for our bills and manpower to help each other in preparation for our meal.

I thank God for allowing me to have readers, likers, subscribers, commenters, and tippers in each and every article I have written.

I thank God for helping me stay sane in the midst of this pandemic. I've never fallen into depression. Yes I admit I've been stressed out this year more than the past few years. It has caused my stomach to produce acid making me acidic. I've had to vomit what I've eaten from time to time and I even had limit my food consumption but the Lord has still blessed me with good health.

I will forever be grateful to God for keeping me and my family from all harm and danger even without COVID-19 pandemic.

This pandemic hasn't ended yet and a new strain might have been found in United Kingdom but it doesn't change the fact that God is good.

You see, our eyes are sometimes blind folded by our own mindset. When we focus our eyes on the things that we don't have, we'll definitely feel sad and depressed for not having it. But when we focus our eyes on what we have, that's when we'll know that what have we been looking for all this time is just right in front of us.

It's Jesus birthday but it's He who has given us gifts.

It's time to celebrate Jesus!

Not everything will go out our way but not because we have taken a different road, it means that we are lost. Our path way differ from each other just as to how our fingerprints differ from each one of us.

The best gift we can give Jesus is our hearts and beliefs in Him.


December 25, 2020


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3 years ago
