A dose of sadness

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3 years ago

Happiness is a choice. It's what most people say and believe in. I feel so amazed with people who always find the positive side in every situation. Those people who are never bothered by what the world throws at them. Those people who always has a smile in their faces. Those people who always see the good in others.

This year is saddening. Natural disasters plus this pandemic is something we weren't prepared for. Most people has no savings. All of us has to adjust.

It's good to be on lockdown if your home is comfortable, but what about those who lives in the slums? Those who live in the streets?

It's good to be on lockdown with fat bank account, but what if your job pays a low wage? Those who just survive to live by?

It's good to be on lockdown with a gadget and internet connection for your online class, but what if you live in mountainous areas where signals are way too weak? What if you don't even have a gadget that can be used for online learning?

It's good to be on lockdown if you still have a job with work from home set up, but what if you are a manual laborer? What if your family will starve if you don't stay on the streets to sell goods? What if you're one of those employees who lost their jobs during the pandemic?

It's good to be on lockdown with your whole family, but what if you have a frontliner as a family member? You will constantly worry that one day you might just hear the news that he tested positive of the COVID-19.

It's good to be on lockdown if you have savings to meet your daily needs, but what if you're someone who can't even eat at least three times a day?

It's good to be on lockdown if you have everything that you need, but what if you're one of those who has to work twice as much in order to put food on the table, pay for the rent, pay for the bills and provide for the studies of your kids?

I'm not blaming anyone or condemning anyone. I just wanted everyone to know the real meaning of gratefulness. I want you to try to put yourself in other people's shoes so that you'll have at least one bit of an idea how life is for most people.

It's not your fault that you are rich while others are poor. It's not your fault that you have savings while others don't. It's not your fault that you live in a mansion while others live on the streets or on a squatters area.

It's not your fault that you are just surviving each day. It's not your fault that you can't save up even a small amount of money. It's not your fault that you are born in a family which is not wealthy. It's never your fault.

I hope that becomes an eye opener to all of us so that next time, we won't easily rant about hard headed people who can't be beaten by this virus in order to survive.

The reality of most people is that if he doesn't work, he won't eat. If he doesn't work really hard, he won't be able to feed his family. If he doesn't go out in the mids of pandemic, he won't be able to survive the next day.

Clearly this pandemic has taught us a lot of things. It made us realize that change is the only constant thing in the world. At some point we have just finished the celebration of new year then we weren't able to enjoy the rest of the year.

Another thing that all of us must practice is gratefulness. No matter what were going through the fact that we're still alive is the proof of God's goodness. His goodness is seen not just during the good times but most importantly during the bad times.

Let us all be kind enough to empathize and include everyone in prayers. Let us be sensitive enough to what other people goes through.

Lastly, let us all take some time to really care for others. Chat, text, video call, email or call someone important to you. If this pandemic has caused you a lot of anxiety, stress and depression others might have also felt and experienced that way.

As the year ends let us all extend our arms to accommodate those people who needed it. Let us extend love to everyone around us. Let us keep on fighting and living.

With the new strain of COVID-19 let us pray all together that this pandemic will end soon so that everything goes back to normal.


December 28, 2020


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