Headache: A Terrible Pain
Have you ever felt a headache after becoming so stressed or angry? Do you get it every day? or once in a while? Regardless of it, the pain it caused is really terrible, and for me, it is the worst pain anyone can have in a day.
A stiff muscle is one of the first signs of stress, and since so many muscles in our heads and faces show how we're feeling, they're especially sensitive. The key, I believe, is to de-stress and stop taking everything so seriously.
This is not unusual. This is normal. Take note of it. But if it happens regularly and causes you severe pain, you may consult a doctor.
However, high blood pressure, muscular tension in the face and neck, and chemical release from the "flight or fight" reaction seem to be the main culprits why headaches happen. That is why when you are stressed due to something and feel like you are angry, you may feel something.
This sort of headache may be alleviated with the use of relaxation and meditation methods. And here are the things you can do to at least ease the pain:
Drink plenty of water.
If dehydration is the source of your headache, rehydrating your body should provide immediate relief. If you have a headache, drink a glass of water and keep consuming it throughout the day. In addition to water, sports drinks are available. Sports beverages include electrolytes that help alleviate stress and dehydration-induced headaches. But please note this one: avoid dehydrating liquids like alcohol if you're suffering from a headache. So again, drink a lot of water. If I say a lot, at least 8 glasses of it.
Eat an apple.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away, as the saying goes. I have always heard it ever since I was a child, and yeah, it is somehow true. A headache may be relieved with the help of both apples and apple cider vinegar. They aid in the body's acid-alkaline re-establishment. Furthermore, studies have shown that inhaling the scent of green apples might ease the pain of migraines. If you get a headache in the morning, eat an apple with salt on it. It is somewhat pricey for those who do not have a budget, but health is wealth, so set aside some money and allocate some for apples since they are really a great source of nutrients, among other things.
Utilization of an Ice Pack
An ice pack placed on your forehead can relieve the discomfort, reduce blood vessel size, and increase blood flow. Stress-related or sinus-related headaches may be alleviated with this treatment. To do this thing, get a small clean towel and wrap it over a few ice cubes or crushed ice. For a few minutes, place it on your forehead. You may also use an icepack made from an icebag of frozen veggies. Ice should never be applied directly to the skin since it might cause injury. Remember that our skin, especially on the face, is really sensitive, so take caution. So, just place a cold compress on your head for a few minutes, then do it a few times until you feel some improvement. This is really effective, but again, know the limitations.
In a nutshell, using certain methods of care may help avoid or alleviate headaches. Use a cold or hot pack on the head or neck to avoid severe temperatures, but never put ice directly on the skin. The best way to deal with stress is to avoid it as much as possible and utilize healthy coping mechanisms when it cannot be avoided. Keep the bedroom cold, dark, and quiet to ensure a good night's sleep.
Maintain steady blood sugar levels by eating frequent meals that are healthy. To enhance your general health and decrease stress, you should exercise on a regular basis. Cut your alcohol intake and increase your water intake. Stretch and prevent eye strain by taking short pauses throughout your workout. Having a headache can really make you feel drowsy throughout the day, but hopefully these things I have mentioned could somehow help you with your concern. Thank you!
Photos from pixabay.