If there is anyone else in the world but you, you are not alone

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When I lay my head on my pillow; I wanted to question myself and face myself with an internal calculation, empathy, self-criticism.

Who am I?

Am I myself or someone else?

How many identities do I have in me?

I told my truth to everyone;

What about my lies?

I think the person who says "I don't lie" has told his first or last lie. Dont forget; Even if no one knows, it will make your soul live the hell of the lies in this world and the paradise of the truth.

That is why do not seek your heaven or hell under the ground. Whatever it is, it's all here.

In fact, the mind of every person; he makes self-criticism automatically while the brain is resting on a daily basis.

But since the human mind is on its side, it sculpts the events on its side.

Erdem, you should improve your ability to calculate the error rate in matters that you think are right.

You also need to learn to look at the events in your life from someone else's perspective.

It is certain that I was born of man, that I am a human being; Where am I on the human adjective needle?

Am I as I was born?

How was I born and how will I end?

And I said to myself;

Every ending is the beginning of something else.

As something reshapes at the end of every war.

But the real truth is; no war has a winner.

Therefore; You have no loss or shame in seeing the world as your homeland and people as a citizen.

Your real loss and shame; is to see someone else as an enemy instead of fighting your own self. However, the greatest enemy of mankind is none other than himself.

Never carry the fear of losing in the struggle of life, consider your loss as a kind of gain.


There may be obstacles that you think are insurmountable on the right path you are walking. Let this never break your hope.

Be like water, fight with water philosophy determination. Water overcomes every obstacle, sometimes it goes around the obstacle that it cannot overcome, sometimes it fills the dam over time and overflows the obstacle, and now it evaporates and rains again. But it will overcome any obstacle.

You will win.

Erase the fear of loneliness from your mind, remember that if there is someone else in the world other than you, no one is alone.

What you should be afraid of is; waking up one morning to see that you are the only one left out of seven billion people. Everything is yours but it's time to go crazy

What you leave unfinished in one, someone else completes.

Or; What you find in one, you look for in another. The choice to complete or be completed is yours.

Life goes on living; You name it with whom and with whom you will continue.

Who knows, maybe in another continuation; or

You can be someone else's continuation.

Because; You can neither deny nor prevent man from reigning over man.

You can go and feel enough in your soul and soul to continue in one. or you can stay and be "lovable" enough to have a sequel, that's your decision. Because there is an absolute continuation of man in man. But you choose the one next to you, don't change the comrade you set out with with the one you find on the road.

And don't do this; Never ignore the one next to you. Because; A person is a heart, whatever you save in your heart, you spend as much as you save.

Use your mind so that you accumulate people.

When you say use your mind; It didn't even occur to me that every person is a party to their own mind.

When the mind becomes a party to itself, won't the common mind be eliminated? In the disposal of the common mind, only one mind is mistaken.

When it comes to mind; You believe in the infinity of the mind just like science. This belief may not be approved by others, but I think science is the mind, and so is the mind; expands science to infinity with the glasses of doubt.

Does science create reason or does mind create science? Who knows, maybe they are complementary to each other.

Anyway, before I get confused, let me get back to the topic. Because the idea ends where the mind is dull, and where the idea ends; thought escapes. Let me think that I don't forget that I exist.

Is just reason enough for you? Don't you need a conscience? I guess it's just the mind you robot; only conscience makes naivety.

In my opinion, the greatest first court before the Judgment of Judgment is the conscience of man.

No criminal can ever be acquitted of that crime in his conscience as long as he hides it and does not confront his conscience inside.

Which state you gave the mirror did not reflect it to you? Life is just like that.

Whatever good or bad you projected to whom in the course of your life did not come back to you?

Wasn't this a reflection of your choices and decisions back to you? Why are you angry with others?

If you don't want to hear what you don't want; Speak by thinking of the fact that he who says what he wants hears what he does not want.

You can face and forgive yourself, it's up to you.

The more you forgive, the less the burden on your soul's shoulders.

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