What Women Really Want in a Relationship

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1 year ago

You're probably familiar with the old saying, "happy wife, happy life". Well, while that may be true, it's not the whole story.

It's not surprising that women want a lot of things in a relationship. After all, they want to feel loved, appreciated, and supported. But what are some of the specific things that women crave in a relationship?

In this post, they'll take a look at some of the most common things women want in a relationship. We'll also explore how you can give your girlfriend or wife what she wants and make her feel loved and happy.

Women Want Respect

The first thing every woman wants in a relationship is respect. They want to be respected for their thoughts, opinions, and ideas. They want to be respected for who they are as individuals. And they want to be respected for their boundaries and limitations.

When a woman feels disrespected, it is an immediate turnoff. It doesn’t matter how attracted she is to you, if you disrespect her, she will not want anything to do with you.

Disrespectful behavior includes but is not limited to: talking down to her, interrupting her, patronizing her, talking over her, Gaslighting her, mansplaining, and making assumptions about her without asking first.

Respectful behavior includes but is not limited to: listening to her, taking her seriously, valuing her opinion, respecting her boundaries, and being honest with her.

Women Want to Feel Valued

One thing women want in a relationship is to feel valued. This doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money on gifts or take her on fancy dates. It can be the little things, like making sure she knows you're listening when she's talking, or being there for her when she needs you.

It's also important to show your appreciation for the things she does for you. Whether it's cooking your dinner, taking care of the kids, or just picking up your dry cleaning, make sure to let her know how much you appreciate her. A simple "thank you" goes a long way.

Women Want to Feel Heard

Another thing women want in a relationship is to feel heard. They want their partners to listen to us when they're talking, and to really hear what they're saying. They don't want you to just nod your head and agree with everything they say, but they do want you to listen and try to understand their perspective.

It can be frustrating when they feel like they're not being heard, so try to make an effort to really listen to your partner when they're talking to you. Show them that you're interested in what they're saying, and ask follow-up questions if you're not sure about something. Let them know that their thoughts and opinions matter to you and that you're open to hearing what they have to say.

Women Want to Feel Loved

Women want to feel loved, and that means feeling like they're your number one priority. Not your job, not your friends, not your hobbies - but her.

She wants to feel like she's the only person in the world that matters to you, even if she knows she's not. It's not about being possessive or needy, it's about feeling like she's the most important person in your life.

Make time for her, even when you're busy. Let her know that she's always on your mind, even when you can't be with her. Send her random texts throughout the day just to let her know you're thinking of her.

It doesn't have to be grand gestures all the time, but just little things that show her that she's always on your mind.

Women Want Trust and Honesty

Women want to be able to trust their partners, and that starts with being honest with them. Honesty is the foundation of any good relationship, and without it, everything else will eventually fall apart.

Unfortunately, far too many relationships are built on a foundation of lies and deception. If you want your relationship to be something special, you need to be honest with your partner from the very beginning.

That means being honest about your past, hopes and dreams for the future, and anything else that might be important to your partner. It might not always be easy, but it's always worth it.


Women want a partner who is reliable, supportive, and understanding. They also want someone who is willing to work on the relationship and make it a priority. Communication is key, and women also value honesty, trust, and respect. If you can give them what they need, you'll have a happy and healthy relationship.


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Written by
1 year ago


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$ 0.01
1 year ago

There should be communication, love and trust between the two partners to maintain a good relationship

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree, that all are we wanted

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree all you've mentioned my friend. Yes a woman want that kind of things. They want to be loved, to be cared, to be heard, honesty, loyalty, understanding and trust.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I think there was no difference about woman and men when it comes to serious relationship, emotionally men also want the same, valued the effort and all the care. Really the give and take. ❤️

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Well I believe that for there to be a lasting and healthy relationship they should be reciprocity.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agreed in you ,I think the both needs this ,the women and men.We should give love ,respect ,valued each other.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Good communication is also important.

$ 0.00
1 year ago