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3 years ago

Wife: When I die, you get married again.

Husband: No, no, I will not get married.

Wife: Oh well! Then I will swell up and eat honey. Isn't that so?

Husband: Well, I will get married.

Wife: Seto; Waiting, when will I die?

Husband: No, go no! I will never let you die.

Wife: Yes, you know. I'll stay in bed later and you'll go out with another girl.

Husband: Tell me, why are you going out to have fun?

Wife: Well, that means bring home and have fun?

Husband: It is very difficult, why should I bring it home?

Wife: Does that mean he will go to his house and have fun? Who is that lady? The future of the next flat, right?

Husband: Hey Dhuru, he is older than me.

Wife: Oh well! The age is also known?

Husband: Oh no, I didn't want to know. He said himself.

Wife: When did you say that? Did you go to that flat? Isn't it?

Husband: No, his phone hung up. My brother was not at home so he called me to fix it.

Wife: Oh well! Went when the brother was not! Characterless, lustful. I will divorce you today.

Husband: Damn crazy, is divorce in one day or not? It takes at least 6 months.

Wife: That news has also been taken! Listen to what you have left?

Husband: Tell me all that; Sleep.

Wife: Yes, I sleep. And you will date on the roof with Bhabhi.

Husband: Smoke, think whatever you want. I went.

Wife: I will go to Seto. You are keeping it fixed on time.

Husband: [unconscious] 6

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3 years ago
