The first episode.

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3 years ago

'Sir you really are a brazen one!'

Even after saying so much, you come to teach me every day. Well sir aren't you ashamed? Or the tea-breakfast in our house is very tash? Oh, you are rarely given tea-breakfast. Go to dinner most of the night! And isn't it actually after wearing a shirt every day? I may not have your self-esteem. My girlfriends, have fun with me every day for you! I don't like this anymore.

- Listening to the student's words, I smiled and said, 'Take out the book, the test is ahead, the result must be good.'

- He looked at me with a fiery look for a while and said, 'Who am I talking to for so long? God knows! Then he took out the book and started reading.

- I looked at the words (of the student) and thought to myself 'I'm really brazen.' I was born in that middle class family. So maybe brazen. After reading the words, I saw eighty rupees in my pocket at night! So I bought an ice cream for the little queen.

- Twelve o'clock at night! The moonlight is coming through the glass of the window. Sleep is not coming. When I go to college, my girlfriends ask questions about Sir. So today I have said many things to Sir. Even though it felt bad, I was right from my place! Suddenly Jesse's phone! Tonight. Without thinking, Jesse said to receive the phone, 'How are you friend?'

- Not very good. And why did you call tonight?

- There was a breakup with Zarif. Why aren't you good at these things?

- You know, dude, I've talked a lot to my brazen sir today. Still not willing to leave tuition. It's so silly!

- I really don't think I've ever seen your teacher in a dress other than the blue shirt.

- I can't say anything for fear of my father. I don't know how my father's mind has been conquered.

- Dude, good idea. Present him badly in front of your father.

- How?

'Then listen,' said Jesse, talking about all the plans.

- Meanwhile, after the Fajr prayer, I came home after finishing a tuition and went to varsity with the assumptions. By submitting the assignment, two more tuitions are completed. At seven o'clock in the evening I left for the house of words. Walking down the street. And, I think to myself, if I get a well-paid tuition at this time, I will give up this tuition.

- Jahangirnagar University is home to talk. I went home to hell and opened the door! I was very surprised to open the door of words. I came to the room and sat down. The sweaty body seems to be lying in the middle of the AC.

At that time he said, "Sir, will you fix the sari?" I can't. 'If you give the area of ​​the head, the navel comes out! And when you cover the navel, the cloth is removed from the head. Don't tick, sir.

- I took my eyes off the book at the student's words. I looked at the words and saw that many children were wearing saris like girls. Baby girls, just like playing sari panchiye childhood! I can't keep my smile. You may be thinking so? But no, the girl does these dramas every day to insult me. Maybe he has a new plan today. I decided in my mind that I should leave the auction tuition. It will be what Allah Ta'ala has destined.

-What happened sir, you are not a teacher. You should also teach me to teach sari. Isn't it? He smiled and said!

- Shut up and read. Yearchange test in front. Take a look at the book will be useful. Uncle will suffer if the result is bad.

- Sir, take this for breakfast!

- With a few toss biscuits, a cup of tea! I am soaking toast in a cup of tea by counting the words! Eating toast is a squeaky sound. The word sounds bad!

-Sir, haven't you eaten biscuits in your life? It seems that he never ate. You know the sound of you eating this toast is more unbearable than it sounds to you!

- That's right! Then when I eat, the sound will be less. Well did you do the numbers?

- Take this.

- I'm looking at numbers. When I finished looking at the numbers, I said, 'Do you have a problem with this chapter? '

- No, sir. Well, have you seen the rhinoceros sir?

- No, I saw it on TV!

- Is Sir Rhino's skin too hard?

- Hmmm, that's tough.

- No sir, I think rhinoceros skin is harder than skin.

- Well, I woke up today.

- Won't he go to dinner, sir?


- As soon as I saw the words coming out of the house, the sky was covered with thick darkness! It started to rain before we got home. I got wet in the rain and returned home. It was two o'clock in the morning when I fell asleep. Meanwhile, after hearing the Fajr call, I woke up, prayed and raised my hands to Allah and cried a lot. Because I can't fight that anymore. May God give me the strength to endure! The next day I went to tuition with fever. I didn't eat even though I gave biscuits in tuition today. The face is bitter with fever!

- You know why I get angry when I see you sir. Please don't come to teach me anymore. I do not want to see your face from tomorrow! Everyone in college makes fun of me for you. I can't.

- Oh, well! I will try.

- When he left home after finishing tuition, Uncle Emas handed him five thousand rupees.

-Uncle, today is the 25th of the month! Five more days left until the end of the month.

- Keep it, Dad. Can't you pay five days ago?

- I left the house without saying anything. Even after hearing hundreds of words, he did the tuition for this money. Because other students pay two thousand rupees. There are more than five thousand rupees.

- Meanwhile, Eid has come.

- I got out of the garage with a rickshaw at nine o'clock at night! I have to buy something for the queen. So even with the fever, I rolled up my body and went out in a rickshaw. Still chilling. At that time, someone came from behind and said, 'Will this rickshaw go? '

- I gestured to get up!

- Two girls got on the rickshaw. A girl said 'Jahangir Nagar will drop you off at the university!

- I nodded and replied yes. I can't drive a rickshaw properly due to high fever.

- Drive this rickshaw fast!

- I was shocked to hear that! Talk! In my rickshaw! Meanwhile, I can't drive a rickshaw loudly. I stopped in the middle! The legs are not moving.

- The eyes are getting blurred. Suddenly the rickshaw dropped into the drain without seeing a single wheel! In the rickshaw, Thekkane's girlfriend fell from the rickshaw.

-Speak! He slapped me on the cheek and said, 'Can't you see this little kid driving a rickshaw?' Do you drive a rickshaw after drinking alcohol?

- Shut up (Jesse).

- After eating the char, the moon falls on the ground. I mumbled, 'Madame, I can't see. '

- Meanwhile, as soon as the sheet fell off, he recognized my words by looking at my face!

- You sir! Why are you driving a rickshaw?

- The girlfriend of the words is looking at me in surprise!

- Madame gets on the rickshaw. Don't go?

- Without saying a word, he walked away with Jesse.

- I took the rickshaw to the garage. Today the body is not good. I did not come home and went to the hospital. All the troubles will be gone when you see the queen's face. On the way to the hospital, I think this tuition may not be there anymore.

- Dude, I'll go home later today. (Talk)

Why doesn't Uncle Ray talk?

- Talk nonsense. But you have to know why sir rides a rickshaw. That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. The two followed and reached the garage. Then he asks the garage walker, 'Uncle, do you know the boy who left the rickshaw a while ago?'

- You're talking about Raj, mother!

- Yes!

- The boy is very handsome. Fell in varsity. Even after doing tuition all day, he rides a rickshaw from nine to two or three at night with a sheet wrapped around his body.

- Well, uncle, can you tell me why?

- And don't say that the son who lost his parents has lost a kidney to his younger sister. Another is going in the same direction. A lot of money is needed every month for treatment. The boy drives a rickshaw without sleeping at night even after doing tuition all day to save his sister! It is very difficult to see the boy.

- Tears began to fall from his eyes! The scenes of insulting Sir in front of his eyes are piercing his chest. I couldn't sleep when I came home. "

- Waiting for sir today. There is a sari of blue weave on the black edge. Kajal gave thick eyes. Meanwhile, it is seven o'clock and there is no news of Sir yet. That two eyes could not always see a man. Today she is looking for the man like crazy with her eyes closed. He is looking at his watch. Suddenly his mother came and said, "Your teacher is talking."

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3 years ago
