Love your wife

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3 years ago

Love your wife in such a way that when you think of leaving, your heart breaks, when there is a lack of love, there is a lack of breath, everything becomes useless.

Love in such a way that every munajat contains heartfelt gratitude, water of happiness and intense desire to live with you.

Keep it guarded with absolute compassion, keep it guarded in the innermost part of the heart with great care.

Keep his every word, every tear of his, keep his heart full of restlessness, which only you can see.

Understand the arrogance, break the arrogance, the girls are more arrogant, arrange their tender heart in a gentle way.

You will see that life is beautiful, really beautiful, very, very beautiful ....

Yes, I am talking about your spouse.

“As much as you love and respect, in every part of your supplication to Allah, love as much as you have the strong desire to be with you not only in this world but also in Paradise, the Paradise of eternity.

Love the Lord as much as you have a plea, not a complaint. ”

“May your wife weep for you every night in prayer, may you have the good fortune to weep, be thankful to your Lord and weep and say, O Allah! My husband is a good believer. "

Love your wife when she cries.

Hear the reason from him, hug him and tell him everything will be fine In sha Allah. "

Love the wife, when her cooking is bad!

Because she tried to cook for you.

Love your wife when she sits next to you with a basket of words and annoys you, because you are her only source of happiness, friend, place of love and trust.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Learn from me to be kind to girls. For, the female race has been created by the curved bones of the ribs. And the upper bone is the most curved of the ribs. Therefore, if you want to straighten it, there is a possibility of it breaking. And if you leave it, it will continue to bend. So take advantage of the girls.

The best of you is the one who is best to his wife and family.

Some responsibilities towards a woman ::

Meet his financial and emotional needs.

Call him to the path of Islam, give him regular advice and keep him on the screen. It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about.

Maintain a good relationship with his relatives.

Make your wife an eye-catcher for you, and you are like that to your wife.

Wife is a gift full of Allah blessings to you ..

Put him in your every prayer.

Our Allah

Our Allah, grant us wives and children who will be cool in our eyes and cool in our hearts. And make us leaders of the pious.

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3 years ago
