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3 years ago

As soon as he entered the room after eating and drinking, a message came on the phone. I was surprised to open the message.

This is what I see.! And this is the girl I'm hugging. The picture clearly shows that I am hugging a girl. My face is clearly visible in the picture and the girl is just the backside so I can't recognize the girl. Nothing is going through my head and who took this picture?

I was thinking about the words when another message came on the phone. The picture has been sent to WhatsApp and now the message that came is also WhatsApp. I was even more surprised when I saw the message. The message was written at ...

Why did you hug this girl today? And the girl is yours.? Tell me the truth about your relationship with this girl.

After reading the message, I started thinking who is the person giving the message, and I hugged a girl today. Thinking about it, I suddenly remembered the morning. In the morning I went to a garden next to Maya varsity with Maya. And once Maya herself hugged me, along with me. That means at that time someone hid and took our picture. But who took this picture of us?

I was thinking about the words when another message came on the phone from that number.

Why aren't you talking about what happened? Tell me, who is this girl who hugged you, and what is your relationship with her?

This time I also replied to the message and said ...

Me: Who are you and where did you get the picture?

I will know who it is in a few days. Now quietly answer all the questions I have asked.

Me: I said earlier who do you introduce yourself to. And speak politely, why are you talking.?

I did not say that I will get my identity in a few days and will not come to teach me politeness. Answer what I have asked.

Me: Sorry I can't say this to a stranger.

You mean, like, saltines and their ilk, eh?

Me: No.

Ok fine, after a while I will explain that you are ready to have fun.

By now I have understood that the person giving the message is a girl. But I don't understand who the girl could be. Surely one of my acquaintances will be, otherwise how did I get my WhatsApp number.? But I can't think who took this picture.

No, there is no point in thinking so much. Now you have to go to the office again in the morning after sleeping.

While I was getting ready to sleep, the phone rang again. I saw Riya calling with her hand. What does this girl call every day? I don't want to be in a little peace. Despite not wanting to, I received the call because if I don't pick up the call, I will keep calling.

Me: Hello

Rhea: Hi, what are you doing?

Me: You're just sitting here.?

Riya: I'm thinking of you lying down.

Me: What are you thinking?

Riya: When will we get married, when will I get these from you.

Me: Then keep thinking I put the call ..

Riya: Thinking about this or not, I remembered to talk to you a little, I haven't talked to you all day so I called now.

Me: Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds - d'oh!

Riya: I just called, where is the talk.?

Me: Call while sleeping, why can't you call at any other time?

Riya: You stay in the office all day so I don't disturb you with calls. Well, skip these and ate dinner.?

Me: Hmm you.?

Rhea: Hmm, well do you have a girlfriend or love someone?

Me: I don't know what to say in answer to the rear question. This is the time to tell Riya about Maya, otherwise I will have to lose Maya forever. Before I could say anything, Rhea said ...

Riya: If you stay or is your engagement with me .. And I don't think a boy like you will have a girlfriend, and even if I do, I will break up because you have to marry me. There will be no one for me to be in your bosom.

Me: Rear, after hearing that, I realized that he also loves me like crazy, and even if I say something to him, it won't help, his words are proof of that.

Riya: What happened when you fell asleep or why aren't you talking?

Me: No, I haven't slept, but I'm getting a lot of sleep, because I've worked a lot in the office all day and my body is tired again.

Riya: What are you saying, your body is not bad again (excited).

Me: Oh no, the body is not bad, if you sleep a little, everything will be fine.

Riya: OK, then you will sleep now and talk to you tomorrow.

Me: Let's live then. I see that the word worked well, he immediately left the call.

Then I put the mobile aside and fell asleep wrapped in a blanket.

I woke up the next morning and had a fresh breakfast. Then I got ready and drove to the office.

Tama, who was sitting in the cabin and checking some files, came and knocked on the door.

Tamah brother will come.? (From outside)

Me: Hey, what's the point of getting permission for this?

Tama: Even then you are the boss of the office, and it doesn't look like you enter the boss's cabin without permission (entering).

Me: But now you are making me angry.

Tama: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will enter the cabin without permission from now on. Are you happy now?

Me: Hmm, so tell me what is real.?

Tama: Your invitation to our house tonight, I bought everything for the house yesterday. And when she came today, my mother told me to bring you to our house at night.

Me: If you do not go today.?

Tama: No, my mother is busy cooking for you. If you don't go, who will eat so much food?

Me: OK, then I will go. At the end of the office, you wait outside for me.

Tama: Well, now that I'm gone, he left the cabin.

I also focused on my work again.

I don't know when the evening came. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8 o'clock. I quickly packed everything, closed the office and came out. I saw Tama standing outside.

Me: Let's go (to you).

Tama: It's time for you to come so far.? Look, my hands and feet have been swollen by mosquito bites.

Me: Sorry Ray, I didn't really notice when it was evening.

Tamah is done, let's go now.

Me: Hmm, let's go

Then I took you to their house. Tama just told me where to go and I drove there too. I also bought 1 packet of sweets when I came. I'm going to eat the invitation, what does it look like if I don't take anything, of course Tama said many times that I don't need this, but I brought it

I was surprised when I looked ahead from the car. Because your house is not as bad as I thought. In fact, their home is like the home of the rich.

Tama: This brother is standing, why don't you go inside? (By pushing)

Me: Come on, is this your house?

Tama: Then who.?

Me: I don't mean how you have such a beautiful house

Tama: Dad made it to stay, and now we live in it. I told my mother to sell the house, but my mother did not agree to anything. This house is the last memory of my father, so my mother does not want to sell the house.

Me: Ohhh

Tama: Hmm, let's go inside now.

Then I came inside the house with you. Wow, the base is beautiful to see inside too. Maybe your family was fine before. Then he lost his father and brother and today such a situation.

Tama: Mom, look who has come.

Who is your brother? (A woman comes in front of us)

Me: Assalamu Walaikum Aunty, how are you?

Aunty: Walaikum salam, how are you, father?

Me: Alhamdulillah, I'm fine too, are you taking the right medicine?

Aunty: Dad, I heard a lot about you from your mouth. Really, it is very difficult to find people like you in this world these days. No matter how much you do for us, we will be indebted to you for the rest of our lives, father.

I: What are you saying, you are like my mother and I consider you my sister now, then I can call you your son. Does any mother say this to her son?

Aunty: Really, father, you are very good. Dad, who is in your family?

Me: Mom and Dad and 2 sisters.

Aunty: What do the sisters do?

Me: One sister studies and one sister works in my office (looking at you).

Aunty: Haha, really, you have lost a brother, but you have found your own brother in you.

Tama: Brother, you don't have to eat today, keep your beard like this.

Aunty: Hey, I didn't think you had food ready on the table and Dad, you wash your hands.

Tama: Come ready for food.

Me: Aunty, take this, I have brought sweets for you (with Aunty's hand).

Aunty: Hey, why do you bother to bring these ..

Me: I am very hungry, I haven't eaten the food before.

Aunty: Hmm, let's go

Then we all sat together and had fun and ate food. After eating, I sat for a while, rested, said goodbye to them and went home. When I came, I bought some chocolates for Millie from the shop.

When he came home, he went to Millie's room, gave her the chocolates and hugged me happily.

Millie: What do you think of the chocolate today?

I: That's what I wanted, so I brought it. Well, listen, tell my mother that I have eaten from outside and will not eat at night.

Millie: All right

Then I came to my room, freshened up and sat on the bed. After sitting on the bed and Facebooking for a while, I fell asleep.

Some days passed like this. I haven't talked to Maya in these few days but Riya used to harass me by calling me every night.

Today is Friday, so the office is closed. After praying, having lunch, I came to the room and fell asleep.

I woke up in the evening and went to the mosque to perform ablution and pray. After praying, I started walking outside for a while. At the end of the walk, I started coming towards the house. Suddenly a black car came and stopped in the middle of the road.

Then 2 people got out of the car and started coming towards me. Before I knew it, they came up to me, grabbed me, put me in the car, and sprayed me in the mouth. I lost consciousness in an instant.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself stuck in a room with a chair. I looked around and tried to understand where I am now. Just then I saw a girl sitting on the chair in fron.

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3 years ago
