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3 years ago

Just looking at the child's face

How many families have survived !!

Husbands and wives have no love for each other, no feelings for each other,

There is no setback !!

There is no good understanding with anyone.

There is only a nominal identity. A nominal relationship. A nominal family !!


When one of the two becomes restless to sacrifice, when nothing can be understood by the man next to him, when the disrespect of the man next to him becomes unbearable, when it seems to the man next to me that I am absolutely worthless, absolutely inanimate; Or even after trying one by one, no one is getting along with anyone, there is no consensus; Then the world seems like hell to the husband or wife

Equivalent! The man next to him looks like a poisonous insect !!


The aggrieved husband or wife or both begin to think privately in such a situation. Once, twice, over and over again. Finding a way out of hell. By the way, if the man next to me can leave this world, I understand that I will be saved from the torment of hell! A little relief can be found! Can be a little better !! But alas! The look of one or more children is then in the eye

Floats. The child's future revolves around the head. In the end, the child's face, the child's happiness, all the sorrows and sufferings have to be watered. At the end of the day no one can leave anyone else !!


A husband wants his wife and a wife wants her husband but not just biological needs. Looking for a little shelter from each other, looking for love, looking for dependence. I want the man to be by my side in grief, to understand me a little.

By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive. But in the case of innumerable husbands and wives, that desire remains unfulfilled !! Why is that? Why does one not want to understand the other? Why can't one tolerate the other? Maybe there is no answer to this why !! !!


If there is a deficiency in the biological needs of the person next to him, it can be overcome with the help of modern medicine. But nothing can be done if there is a lack of understanding of the psychological issues of the man next door! Can't stand it, can't leave him !! Even if you want to leave again, the child's face, the child's future becomes a big obstacle !! And this is how many couples spend their whole lives in the guise of dolls !! No one knows his account. Absolutely not !!

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3 years ago
