Bad man

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3 years ago

Munna was released from the 12-year Juvenile Correctional Jail. Even though he had spent 1 term in jail, he could have used his power to get out of jail long ago if he wanted to, but for some reason he did not do it, maybe because of some suppressed anger or waiting for someone, but today no one came. Chin Chin's chest hurts yet a mysterious smile on his face. He thought that his parents or family members would come to visit him today to get him out of the jail, but no one came. Everyone was busy and he may have forgotten him because they have met Munna once in these 12 years. However, his father has done a job so that Munna can study even from jail but he has never come to visit her. Maybe there will be no hatred in hate or why #BADMASH boy like Munnar who loves, does not go. There is some water in Munnar's eyes, or the bad guy doesn't have to cry, he makes everyone cry. O Munna, when he was young, he was a scoundrel, but he is still a scoundrel, but he has become more terrible. He has built a gang from the middle of the jail by keeping anger and pride in his mind, but don't think that his power is only in the jail, this whole area means outside the jail, even the minister of this Khulna area is scared when he hears the name #badmash. He would have said that he could have come out a long time ago, but he did not come out because he had already given his answer. However, even though he is in jail, his gang man does not act beyond one of his words. And even though he is in jail, his ugly face is still mysterious. Today, after so many years, I feel as lonely as I feel free to get out of jail because a person close to me and no one came to pick him up. He thought at least someone would come. No, he is wrong. It will start, but the villain likes to play mind games, so he needs to play a little mind game first, ha ha with a mysterious smile. Today I am watching the open sky after 12 years of free birds. Suddenly Munna took a mobile phone out of his pocket and called someone. 5 minutes after the call, a big black brand car came and stood in front of him without thinking. Seeing Munna getting up and sitting down, a total of 3 people including him were present in the car. One of them is Nihal (Munnar's right hand), a very close and loyal person sitting next to him, a driver in front, although Nihal is older than him, but in the mafia world, work does not work at age. Munna is sitting quietly in the car with a cold head. She is sitting next to him. Munna began to see the outside environment through the glass. Munna is realizing today how beautiful the light outside, the air, the plants, how beautiful this sky is. Munna is crossing one house tree after another in an unknown way. Suddenly there was a bend in the road.

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Driver: But brother, that is not our destination.

Munna: Do what I'm saying. (In a slightly angry voice)

Driver: Okay brother.

Nehal: Where are you going brother? Do we have to go that way?

Munna: I have an urgent job.

Nehal: OK brother. And brother, from today onwards, the mischief of the villains will start in this area. Ha ha! So no brother. You have come, now there is no fear, I could not handle Gang alone.

Munna: No, I can't start anything right now. It will take some time before me, so for now you will see and hear everything. Now I have to be alone for a while.

Nehal: But brother, that could be your danger.

Munna: Ha ha my danger is the danger of this scoundrel whose name everyone hears is the danger of that scoundrel. It's nothing but a joke. (Laughs)

Suddenly Munna said: Make this driver's car site and I will get off.

When the driver stopped the car, Munna got out of the car and walked towards a graveyard without saying anything to Nehal. Nehal wonders why his brother suddenly came to this graveyard area. He thought that Munna Bhai might go to his house or their chat room. So Nehal called and said why are you going there ??

Munna did not look at Nehal. He replied: For whom or who I killed I was in jail for 12 years. First of all I came to see him and hey you do the job well and if you need to call me sometimes I will meet you but the need is not excessive and you do not say anything .. Nehal got in the car and left thinking that this time it is time to start the mind game.

Munna slowly walked over to the coffin where the murdered man was lying. One day Munna cried a lot for killing or killing this man because this man was one of his favorite people but for some reason he had to kill Munna or Munna did not kill him. If you think of that day, even today Munnar got up in a shabby cape. Munna visited the grave and sat next to her and started crying like a child. There is no one here to see her crying so she can open her heart and cry. Imagine a mafia crying and old. Thought .......

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There is no danger of clear rain in the sky. Walking coldly through the gate of the varsity to the varsity, the boy is wearing some less expensive clothes, a watch worth Rs. 300-400 in his hand, and low quality shoes on his feet, power glasses with a black frame in his eyes, his hair hanging in a big site. A small bag on the back, the boy is walking with Juli. The happy boy in his mind is his first day in varsity today but he doesn't want to express that happiness. He loves to be calm and polite. When he came to the varsity, he saw that everyone was busy and there was still a lot of time left before the class started, so he went and sat in the canteen of the varsity and ordered some food. As soon as he sat down at a table some boys came and sat around him and one of them said

Senior boy: Kiri Khet? How did you get admitted in our varsity? In what year did you read it?

Boy: Look, brother, I am a new goose in this varsity. I am in the 1st year.

Senior brother: You have seen this, even in the face of this field, you know who I am! And I don't know how to honor your seniors and seniors.

Tanvir: Sorry brother.

Senior brothers: When you have done wrong, you must be punished.

Tanvir: What is the punishment, brother?

Boys: What is the punishment and what is the punishment and hey you see the girl dressed like a rose and I will go to her and tell her with this flower I will "love" you ......

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3 years ago
