Dangers on the Internet (Part III)

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3 years ago

Also, the Trojan Horse and the Computer Virus, these two are just like the previous dangers that I discussed because it is also very dangerous to our computers. It can also infect a device that results to have a poor or low performance of your computer. Once these viruses entered to your device it can manage your files, it can erase or corrupt it. It can transfer by the used of removable storage media devices that’s why the “Anti-Virus Apps” are very necessary. For this reason, we need to be careful because it can delete all the files that we done in just a second. As a student, I have a personal laptop that I can used in my home works, research, reports, and many kinds of paper works that I done for school. In my personal gadget I have important files that need to be saved, that’s why it’s a very big problem if my laptop had a virus, that’s why I installed an Avast (Anti- Virus App) for my own security and safety.

Behind all the dangers on the internet, there is one person that can manipulate and tolerate these kinds of threats, the “Hacker”. This person has the skills to gain unauthorized access to other people’s accounts or devices. Usually, a hacker commits different crimes through the use of his/her knowledge, they can steal passwords, usernames, credit card details, destroy reputations online and, get some confidential files that you have. The big question here is “why do people hack?”, I guess they hack because of their curiosity, want to gain profit, to have revenge or to destroy something or someone. But not all hackers are considered as bad, because we have hackers that just want to test or discover something to a network or apps, unlike the depraved one that has bad intentions.

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3 years ago
