OpenAI Forecasts $1 Billion in Revenue by 2024

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1 year ago


ChatGPT, the natural language processing technology developed by OpenAI, is expected to generate an impressive $1 billion in revenue by 2024. This forecast, reported by Reuters, has some in Silicon Valley believe that the technology can go beyond its splashy, yet sometimes flawed public demos.

OpenAI's Recent Pitch to Investors

OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research company co-founded by Elon Musk, recently pitched to investors with expectations of generating $200 million in revenue next year and $1 billion by 2024. The pitch highlighted OpenAI's potential for success, backed by $1 billion in funding from Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) and most recently valued at $20 billion in a secondary share sale.

OpenAI has developed a suite of AI-powered technology products, such as chatbot software and video-generation software, which has been gaining attention for its accuracy and impactful applications. OpenAI is also responsible for Jasper, an AI copywriting tool that can generate articles and blog posts, as well as DALL-E 2, an image maker. Fortune 500 companies have already implemented OpenAI's tech into their operations.

But how will OpenAI make money? OpenAI charges developers licensing its technology, including generative AI software to help with tasks such as data analysis and customer service automation.

OpenAI's main goal is to use its technology to advance AI safely for humanity. The organization is committed to using its resources for the betterment of the world, creating a positive influence on the future of AI and its impact on our lives.

Expectations for Revenue

OpenAI, co-founded by Elon Musk and backed by $1 billion in funding from Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O), was most recently valued at $20 billion in a secondary share sale. The organization has made headlines for its AI-powered technology, such as the image maker DALL-E 2 and its generative AI software.

So, how will OpenAI make money? The organization charges developers for licensing its technology. According to OpenAI's website, the organization's mission is to "advance AI safely for humanity." Additionally, they have already developed AI copywriting tools that Fortune 500 companies can access. OpenAI is also positioning itself as an AI provider with the potential to become a Google search competitor by answering queries for more than 1 million users. By offering these services, OpenAI is expecting to generate a large amount of revenue over the next few years.

Technology Beyond Public Demos

OpenAI is a research organization co-founded by Elon Musk with the aim of advancing AI safely for humanity. The company is backed by $1 billion in funding from Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) and was most recently valued at $20 billion in a secondary share sale. With this, OpenAI has been able to develop some impressive AI-powered technology, such as generative AI software that can create images, like DALL-E 2, an AI-powered image maker.

But how will OpenAI make money? OpenAI charges developers licensing its technology and provides Fortune 500 companies with AI provider services. In addition, OpenAI's tech can be used to create potential Google search competitors and AI copywriting tools that are already answering queries for more than 1 million users.

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If microsoft funded that AI, then their google invention will also be an older version that can no longer compete with the new tech. Still the new tech is with the Google Maker huh. Interesting.

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1 year ago