Seven Vices: Get Rid, Avoid and Stop It!

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Written by
2 years ago

In my last article, I shared about the seven virtues to apply in life: Humility, Kindness, Chastity, Patience, Temperance, Generosity and Diligence. All these seven virtues shows what morality is and what good deeds are. Since that I'm focusing on the positive aspect of good manners in that article, on what we must do in order to live a good life, then now let's move to the seven vices. These vices refers about immorality and wrong doings; the bad side of human characteristics.


The Seven Vices to Avoid in

Unsplash - by Ashley Jurius


This is equal for being a boastful, but opposite for Humility. Pride can be a positive characteristic if this gives us confidence and value that we are able to cope with our community's standard, but this became negative if it turns our excessively that we degrade others' right and worth.


In life we must aim for success, but to be contented on the things that God's wants us to have is better. There are two kinds of envious people; one are those who are envy to others and it effects their whole being, like he will look down on himself saying why he can't achieve and afford what others have. This affect his mental health and self-worth. Second are those envy people who will say bad behind your back, In a community wherein you are surrounded with this kind of people is dangerous, why? Because their mind was set for negativity, that everything that you have is not worth for you, they will do and say everything just to prove that it's not for you.


Lust is not all about physical touch, but the act on how you think and look to others in a filthy way is already considered as lust.


It's too difficult to control anger when it's already too much, but it's really okay to get angry because that is the usual emotional reaction of a person when we are against to a particular matter. For example, you don't like a thief, then once someone steal the phone of your bestfriend, then your reaction will obviously get angry.

Why anger became one of the major vices, is that during anger times, we cannot control ourselves in a way that we utter bad words, we hurt other people without us realizing that it's too much. So, as long as we can, try to do breathing exercise and keep your mouth shut, to lessen the problem.


Food is life but we should remember not to be excessive in a way that we became greedy in food. Are you a kind of a person who still eat while you are in a group where your friends don't have something to eat? If you are, think about this act multiple times, and ask yourself, "Am I doing good?"


This is one of the trait of a person that I hate the most, like once I observed that you're a greedy person, then I immediately lose my interest on you. Greed is about being selfish, you don't care about others, you don't give sympathy and sacrificing is not in your vocabulary.


I am not referring to a kind of mammals that lives in a tree, but to a human characteristics. This refers to the laziness of a person; lazy to do daily activities, lazy to help and lazy to do spiritual works. Our body needs to take a rest but there should be no room for laziness

If you are interested about Mythology, I would like to share one of my writings about Dante's Inferno, which the author have a journey underworld, seeing the circles of the hell.

Writer's Note : I was so busy for this whole week the reason that I wasn't able to publish and visit other articles. But I want to say thank you and welcome at the same time for those who've mentioned me in their articles. I haven't reply, but I do appreciate the mentions; I know you all:)

A busy me!


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My appreciation to all by subscribers, likers, upvoters and commenters. May God Bless you all!|Telegram|gmail

June 11, 2022


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Written by
2 years ago


Envy and lust are two of the most common crimes today. on social media when someone shows off their expensive valuables, there will be an attitude of envy from the viewers who see it. when a person flaunts his full and attractive body shape then many users are also attracted and their lust increases. indirectly envy and lust actually often occur all the time because the eyes and feelings in a person can not be separated.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Exactly dear, I completely agree with you, all those seven vices are so immorality and so harmful for our life and those around us. I hope no one is captured by pride, envy, lust, anger, gluttony, greed and sloth... They disturb with such vices the peace of themselves and the people around them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

A lot of life issues vanish if we can get rid of "envy" and "anger."

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sister no doubt pride, greed and sloth are social turmoil we should avoid them. We should be humble in our deeds and words. Thanks for warning me about things that can destroy my human status.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're welcome Sis, and yes this is just a reminder for everyone of us:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I learned so many lesson from this article of you sis, "Pride" that is what my partner always told me to lower my pride, thankfully, because little by little I learned how to control it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Both of you are great couple Sis, there's a communication and understanding.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I familiar those words you have enumerated. Those are known as the seven capital sins. They might be the cause that we can't enter to heaven. Like angels, because of the pride, they turned into devils. So, let's avoid those things.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes we should, not that easy but the fulfillment is waiting :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right. We really need to do away with these vices you mentioned so as to become better people

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes Sis, indeed:)

$ 0.00
2 years ago