The supply chain has always been important, but lately it has been most important that in the face of global visibility and complexity, corporate strategy managers ensure the continuity of their operations. Sustainability, productivity, safety, security and your best imagination in animation, create a structure for participants, depending on chainsaws and marketing products, small export manufacturers or logistics or distribution logistics. In another technical sense, the door has been reopened. From IBM, together with Tech Tech, we have developed a platform to drive performance using blockchain technology, creating a common ecosystem between the work tasks of supply chain participants and the timely exchange of changes between companies related to all information activities and entities in specific areas. As a result, the collaboration platform was transformed into an intelligent supply chain, delivered to customers as a key cloud at the time of registration, with configurations and capabilities tailored to full operations. complete. Four use cases are provided to extend logistics traceability, asset lifecycle management, understanding provenance and provenance, its stability and certification, many words can be translated into other cases to reflect the specific needs of each customer. blockchain allows you to implement a trust ecosystem where different entities in the supply chain trust the data being exchanged without the need for an external authority to prove its authenticity. This is your courage. By using products such as IBM Blockchain Platform and Red Hat Openshift, the platform facilitates the use of open hybrid cloud technologies, making solutions scalable and highly configurable to meet the specific needs of each business, depending on its size or complexity. Asset lifecycle throughout your supply chain. With an intelligent supply chain platform, you can always know the location and origin of your assets. But beyond that, the producer can see the source of the asset and fully track not only where it went, but also its status: whether it was modified or included, when, by whom, how and by whom. In addition, the platform proactively minimizes risk by following sustainability initiatives, such as certifying the origin of ingredients or raw materials and following other practices of suppliers and supply chain partners to avoid the risk of losing brand reputation. In the case of automotive manufacturers, all parts used in the process are sourced from clean energy or carbon-free production plants (certificate management). Telefónica has authorized IBM to implement an intelligent supply chain platform for use by Telefónica Corporation in its subsidiaries in Brazil, Germany and Spain. Telefónica Tech and IBM are currently forming an alliance to develop solutions for the Spanish commercial market, focusing on the use of technology in industries such as energy and utilities, distribution, construction, industrial agriculture and retail, or in industrial environments such as automotive and environment. Pharmaceutical industry. The main challenge of the project is to integrate blockchain with existing processes. If we focus on the supply chain, all companies are already pioneers in the digital city corridor, or to a lesser extent. Unified integration between different systems (Purchasing ERP, warehouse management, etc.). Through an intelligent supply chain platform, we connect existing systems with additional layers to ensure traceability. Blockchain does not replace legacy systems, but rather complements them and adds functionality through cost-effective integration. In addition to the immutability, consensus, security and privacy of blockchain technology, companies using the platform have other benefits. These children minimize their initial investment or capital expenditure by avoiding creating their own foundation.

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@Limonada posted 2 years ago
