Importance of Family in Education

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2 years ago

Education, student, teacher, parent, school, lesson etc. Today, these concepts have changed so much, they are perceived so differently that sometimes the right is wrong and sometimes the wrong is right. Where to start? Let's take a look at the education journey together.

A parent wants their child to be the most successful, a son wants to be successful both to make himself happy and to make his parents happy. A teacher can do all of these…

Parents, children, teachers… They all want success, but what do they do in return? That's the point. Unfortunately, in today's conjuncture, we just want it. In return, he usually does not do anything, does not want to do it, if it will be effortless, but we want the best. There is no food without effort. If a parent wants their child to be successful, they should spill what is in their skirts and give their children what they can.

Today, schools, course centers, private teaching institutions, etc. Since it has lost some of its functions and focuses on the majority rather than the individual, it is often indifferent to the differing characters and learning styles and levels suitable for this character, and cannot notice them. Here, in order for parents to give their children the appropriate education, they need to take private lessons through teachers who will understand them, become students like them at the time, teach them lessons, make friends and shape their education life.

If a parent cannot make a direct contribution to their child in terms of education, they should make up for it through their teacher. Here too, choosing the right teacher is mentioned, she. After choosing the right teacher, parents should trust the teacher in every sense, and observe the change that will occur in their child by showing patience for a certain period of time. This change will not be instantaneous like the hocus pocus of a magic wand, it will take place after a certain period of time. Even a plant needs water, fertilizer, etc. to grow. After their needs are given, they are expected to grow patiently. How can a person (student) learn everything at once? That's why we should give time to our children, support them morally and wait for their change.

Since parents receive lessons through the teacher, they should not leave their children completely alone, they should always be role models for them. In other words, a parent expects success from their child. “Study hard, get the highest scores!” If he says, he will study like his child and control him like his teacher. So how does a parent study? Very simple. At least, his son may not watch TV or play on the phone while studying, maybe on top of that, he opens and reads a book. And even if he doesn't understand much from time to time, he can ask and listen as if he knows or understands the subjects his child has learned. Reading is very important in this process. Examinations in recent years (LGS, YKS) have revealed how important it is to read books.

Finally, training is a process and teamwork. Student, teacher, and parents must all fulfill their duties. If one of them is missing, the result will be as incomplete. As a human being, we should do something as much as we want from the other person.

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2 years ago
