When a simple walk turned into ice cream treat

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Avatar for Lesly90
1 year ago

Hello everyone

I hope so you all are fine and happy!!

Today our weather is beautiful, it's raining here and in most part of our country. Although summer are here but raining make easy to suffer the heat of summer.

As it's pretty good weather here so my sister and I planned to visit outside, just to walk outdoor to feel the goodness of weather.

When a simple walk turned into ice cream treat!!

We both came outside of home to walk here in the park for some time, we did a lot of gossips there, and start to make some silhouette together too because it's rare that i come to walk with her.

Suddenly she said that you should buy an ice cream for her! She's younger than me and also know that when she tell me to buy something i buy for her too. I asked to her that do you really want to have ice cream?? And she said yes again.

Than we both went to a small ice cream shop which is near to that park. We mostly come here and we called it as ice cream point. We ordered two cups of ice cream.

I ordered mango flavour but she ordered kulfa flavor as she love to eat this flavor but my favorite is mango flavour but sometimes i prefer to eat pistachio flavor too.

It's not so expensive too, one cup is of just 0.35$. And i paid 0.70$ for both cups. But than i want to buy ice cream cup for my homies too. Than i buy 10 cups of Mango and kulfa flavor which costs me just 3.5$.

The price isn't so big but the smile on my loved ones faces was real and big more than price. And i feel happy too after see this, because I've no such plans to buy ice cream for all of them.

Reminder! Me and my sister again eating an ice cream with homies when come to home lol 😆.

And here an ice cream put a smile on everyone face and credit goes to my sister because it was her idea to enjoy ice cream in this rainy weather.

That's all for today and All the image's are captured by me including lead image.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

$ 0.15
$ 0.10 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Lesly90
1 year ago


That is the best treat you can have after a walk.

$ 0.00
1 year ago