Something special about today

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Avatar for Lesly90
1 year ago

Hello everyone!

Here is another weekend is almost about to end. And again on tomorrow a new week will be start. Every day is different just their names are same. For me every day, every moment is different. I can't understand those people who say every day is same. Maybe they're doing nothing new in their life. Or maybe they spent a full boring life. Because there's a craze and excitement in new things.

What was my plan for today?

I had no special plans for today, as mostly i don't have any plans because when i planned than those things never happened. I don't know what's happening in next moment so i leave all things on time. Just like yesterday night i felt cold again and high fever too but i took my medicine immediately and i woke up fresh today.

As i woke up, after breakfast i noticed weather is quite good so i did my laundry and complete this task. For me laundry is the biggest task from all home chores and now it's done.

Something special about today

As it's 6 months left in final election but today is here by election of 2022. In my family no one is interesting to give vote they're thinking it's just the waste of time. But i persuaded them all to caste a vote. And they're agree with this.

I lost my id card at home

Without identity card you can't cast a vote than accidentally i forgot where i keep my id card because last time about a month ago i used it. I checked in my drawer but there wasn't my id card.

Confused me

If i told my family that i don't know where's my id card tgan obviously they're making fun of me that you're excited to cast a vote and now you don't know about your ID card. I start to find it. After 15 minutes i found it from my wallet because last time i keep it in my wallet when i went to academy for interview.

Finally I'm done with it

I was thinking maybe I can't cast my vote because i can't find my id card but finally i cast my vote to the person whom i think he deserve this. There's a crowd of people and today the weather is also bit sunny. That's why we feel just like we go back in summer again.

One special thing is that after a long time i go out with my all family otherwise i go out but with one or two person because everyone is busy in his life and when I'm free they're not and when they're free I'm not. So after a long time i went out side with my family.

Reaction of my relatives

Seriously my relatives never talk to me especially some of my cousin but today they text me too that whom i cast the vote? But i said them that I'll not tell you about it. It's just like a secret which i never tell you. Some of them forced to me but i didn't tell them. Because I don't want that again they criticize me just like they did. And i easily say that I'll not tell you about it.

Ending words

Although this Sunday is just like other Sunday and weekend but it's speciality is that i went outside with my family. Actually there's something special in every thing it's just depends onnus whether we can find that speciality or not. It's just like they say beauty is in the eyes of beholder, means it's look good to those who really wants to see it as good thing.

All images used in this article are my editing picture including lead image.

Thank you for your time and support

$ 2.05
$ 1.96 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Coolmidwestguy
$ 0.03 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
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Avatar for Lesly90
1 year ago


Laundry is also my biggest chore of the day. It is nice to have some days with nothing planned. A day to collect yourself and relax. It is good to vote and be with your family. The only way things change is by the voice of the people. There are other ways but that is the way that should be used if possible.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Huhhhh we're same in this case of laundry. Yes spent a day with family is a collection of good memories too. Yes people can change everything but if they want

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I also don't tell people whoever I vote for after election. I don't know why😁. I'm glad you went out with your family on Sunday. It's good to spend beautiful times together

$ 0.01
1 year ago

To avoid from clashes i never tell about it. Yes it was a good Sunday

Thank you

$ 0.00
1 year ago