I will start from where I left off last..... Enjoy 😁
51. Heliophobia - the fear of the sun
52. Hemophobia - the fear of blood
53. Herpetophobia - the fear of reptiles
54. Hydrophobia - the fear of water
55. Hypochondria - the fear of illness
56. Iatrophobia - the fear of doctors
57. Insectophobia - the fear of insects
58. Koinoniphobia - the fear of rooms full of people
59. Leukophobia - the fear of the color white
69. Lilapsophobia - the fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
70. Lockiophobia - the fear of childbirth
71. Mageirocophobia - the fear of cooking
72. Megalophobia - the fear of large things
73. Melanophobia - the fear of the color black
74. Microphobia - the fear of small things
75. Mysophobia - the fear of dirt and germs
76. Necrophobia - the fear of death or dead things
77. Noctiphobia - the fear of the night
78. Nosocomephobia - the fear of hospitals
79. Nyctophobia - the fear of the dark
80. Obesophobia - the fear of gaining weight
81. Octophobia - the fear of the figure 8
82. Ombrophobia - the fear of rain
83 Ophidiophobia - the fear of snakes
84. Ornithophobia - the fear of birds
85. Papyrophobia - the fear of paper
85. Pathophobia - the fear of disease
85. Pedophobia - the fear of children
86. Philophobia - the fear of love
87. Phobophobia - the fear of phobias
88. Podophobia - the fear of feet
89. Pogonophobia - the fear of beards
90. Porphyrophobia - the fear of the color purple
91. Pteridophobia - the fear of ferns
92. Pteromerhanophobia - the fear of flying
93. Pyrophobia - the fear of fire
94. Samhainophobia - the fear of Halloween
95. Scolionophobia - the fear of school
96. Selenophobia - the fear of the moon
97. Sociophobia- the fear of social evaluation
98. Somniphobia - the fear of sleep
99. Tachophobia - the fear of speed
100. Technophobia - the fear of technology
101. Tonitrophobia - the fear of thunder
102. Trypanophobia - the fear of needles or injections
103. Venustraphobia - the fear of beautiful women
104. Verminophobia - the fear of germs
105. Wiccaphobia - the fear of witches and witchcraft
106. Xenophobia - the fear of strangers or foreigners
107. Zoophobia - the fear of animals
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