Avoid getting scammed with this simple tips.

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In the online world, specifically in the cryptocurrency world, is where lots of scams are running. Investing, fake airdrops, fake accounts and lots of things to mention. So I will share to you how I am avoiding this scams.

How to avoid a scam?

In order for you to avoid a scam and avoid getting scammed, you must do things;

Ask people with wider knowledge - It is very essential to ask anyone who have more knowledge on how things work in the cryptocurrency space especially in investing.

Too good to be true - When you want to invest somewhere, take a look of the possible return of your investment. If it gives very high percentage of the amount you invested, you can notice it already that it is too good to be. So be aware.

Do a research on your own - It is not for eternity that you will just rely to anyone for you to have a good profit. You must learn to have a study and research so can have knowledge on where and when will you put your investment and how risk-free it is.

Reminder to everyone

Cryptocurrency space has a lot of unpredictable events, when you want to invest, only put your extra money and make it is affordable for you to lose when you have entered a scam platform.

Image from : www.youtube.com


$ 0.45
$ 0.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
