Time is Money? Or Life?

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Avatar for Lawa1988
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Time, Philosophy, Money

Every glimpse of moment is associated with time that is if you pass the moment then your time is passed. Now, it's your choice to either your enjoy your time and collect experiences or use it to earn something maybe money. Every moment comes and passes away with the cost of time. And the time is related with these two : Money or Life. So, it is obvious to ask Is time money? Or is it Life?

Today, let us try to search the answer of this question whether time is money? or time is life?


Tickling clock on the wall, produces a sound of ,"CHICK, CHICK, CHICK", which indicates that I am time and I am running. Every CHICK is the time.

What is time?

Time is the change

Suppose if you sit ideal, with empty mind, lost in emptiness, in this case, Is there a time? There are two possible answers one is Yes and other is No. If you believe Yes there is time then, you are in Newton's world and if you go with No then you are in the world of Einstein's world.

In Newtonian physic, we take the reference of some outside world. Time is measured with outside changed. Suppose, Sun is over you head and you are sitting there empty mind then when sun make an angle of 145 degree you still are there. Here the change is 55 degree thus we say you have Spended time.

In Einstein world and in Meditational world , we consider ourself. We focused within us. There is nothing within us , no any thoughts , then there is no changes , no changes means no time. This is the reason that provided roadmap to the famous theory of 20th century RELATIVITY THEORY . This is the reason, Einstein used to say," Time is longer in hot chamber then being with girlfriend" this is the concept of relativity.

In hot chamber , you thoughts changes quickly and you will experience a longer time. But when we are near to our girl friend then our thoughts don't changes in rapid manner which makes us to feel time passes slowly.

Whatever world we choose to be , time indicates changes. In hot chamber times seems to pass slowly because of the changes going on mind same doesn't go along with your girlfriend.

Time is change no doubt but it is also the reference of change. Our clocks are made in the basis of this change. Atomic clocks reads the change in vibration of atoms, pendulum clock reads the times of the pendulum crossing the center position.

Time is also the focus point within the change

Suppose, a train is moving from point A to C. Now we want to know where it is ?, We start our focus on train, now time started within us and suppose in clock it's XYZ O'CLOCK and the train is at B. This is the point, when we focused then there is also involvement of time. No doubt time is change reference to some phenomena but it is also the focus point within the change.

Time is not only the start but is also the end.

Time starts with the starting of some changes and we believe that the time stops for that actions at the final change. Thus when we say time, then it contains:

  • Initial point

  • Change

  • Particular focus point

  • Final point

This clearly gives the concept of forms of time. That is past , present and future.

  • Past is associated with the initial point

  • Present is associated with the changes going on, our focus point

  • Future is the final point


What is money?. In a simple way , money is a piece of paper with figures coated with it within fixed shape which is associated with the face value. This values determines the purchasing power of that piece of paper.

Money is reference provider

In past where there was no money, moneyless period, our markets used to be governed by the commodity exchanges. Take a dozen of banana in market and exchange it with rice and bring it back to home. Later, to make this exchanged within some reference money was invented. Now what do we do?, we take our banana to market and sell it in some rate suppose $1 per dozen. And collect money which is now used to buy rice.

Money provides the measure for evaluation of values.

Intervention of money to our markets rooted in this way that now everything is seen with the money value associated with it. Everything around are seen with reference to money.

Not only to physical world, money is also taken as the measure to evaluate success in our life. If more money more successful. If no money, unsuccessful.

Money is the certificate to fulfillment of our desires

If we have money collected by any means , as everything is associated with it, we can buy anything in this physical world. We can fulfill our basic needs, we can have luxurious life. If no, surrounded by misery.

Money is only the way to fulfillment of our wants and desires in our world.

How to earn money?

Money can be earned by selling our time. From elite class people to lower class people sell time and earn money. We can sell our time in any way, by working hard physically , completing tasks sitting in front of computers, or parcelling .......


Life is a journey

Life is a journey. Journey that starts with the sperm and ends to six feet down underneath the earth. We humans are mortal, we have some fixed life line. In average this life line ends in 70 years. This means that, we have some fixed time. We can't go on making our journey to eternal time, we have to die.

On the other hand, we won't be wrong if we take , life as the collection of experiences.

Life is experiences that we collect.

The feeling of warmth of sun, those scent brought by the wind from far away places , the tastes of foods, sensations that are produced within us by encountering something, this experiences are the life. Something happening inside us indicates there is life within us, thus life is the experiences that we accumulate.

This is the reason why? When we are asked about life, we begin to share our experiences. We start with our happiest moments, sometimes disappointed one.

How to live our life?

It's simple we just need to spend time. Break down the routines and start to feel the moments.

Life and Money

Both life and money can be earned with the cost of time that we have. Time is bounded with the concept of life and money. From one angle it is time and from other it is life.

Is time money? Or Life?

Many debates can be heard on this topic. Is time a money or life?. Some of people claims that "if we have time we can earn more , if we don't have time then we can buy others time and make money. Time is money ". To stand controversial, others says, "No time is not the money. It is life, once it is done it can't be brought back. Once childhood then it is only once. Thus time is life"

There may be others third ones they call themselves as motivational speaker or the scholars they choose to go with," earn by enjoying". They want to mixed up the concept of time with money and life.

This are the three perspectives that time can go with life and money.

But The time is neither the money , nor is the life. It is only the change with some reference. Suppose moon is at elevation of 45 degree from me and I started to focus on inhale and exhale of air and counted 5k times when the moon was just over my head. Here, there is change in my counting number . I counted 5k times in respect to the motion of moon till it come direct to my head. This resembles that time is spent.

Here , there is change , there is time. And also there is experiences. Does that mean time is life? No, the motion of moon has nothing to do with my experiences. It moves in its own path. It doesn't bother with my activity . It is me, who is seeing things with the respect of the motion of moon. I have created the importance of time. Time is man made one. It is tangled with the positions of ours.

Time, life and money are the play of our mind.

Think that when our mind dysfunction then we don't care about time, life and money. Actually they don't have any significance with the nature but we , our mind takes it as prime factors.

But we know there are three aspects of anything , positive , negative and neutral. Same is our society ,there are three kinds of people one is religious and other is irreligious i.e. economical and others are neither religious nor economical they choose to be in border if they wish they becomes religious within a second and if they wish they become physical within a second. This is the point, if you are religious, or some of the philosophy lover obviously for you it's


If your are not religious but believe in karma works then it's

Time is money

And if you want to stand on border then it's

Time is both money and life. Take a profession in which you enjoy.

As I repeat, Time is neither the money nor the life. It's seems to be money and life because of our perspective of principle positions, our way of seeing the world.

Ask someone the same question ,"IS TIME MONEY OR LIFE?" And notice the answer. When you have answer, now you know ," HOW HE SEES THE WORLD?"

At the end of the day,

Money which has nothing to do with time and also experiences don't have anything to do with time. They are just they are . They are independent subjects but we make them interlinked with our positions.

When water flows in a river, it flows , it doesn't care whether it reaches to the ocean or not,it flows. It doesn't wonders about the high cliff fall, it doesn't struggle against the ups and downs just it flows . It flows without being associated to time. They just flow. They don't say,"oh! it's night let's stop for a while and have a look to that shiny moon" .But they only know is to flow. They start with flow and ends with flow.

In natural phenomena there is no time. But our world have, we see everything in timeline. In 2000 I was child, now I am adult one this and that. We see everything with the comparison with other. This is what makes us to give importance to time which is not in nature. Nature only knows is flow and balance.

Our world it seems to be natural but everything here is artificial. We humans have created our own world neglecting the laws of nature. We are no more nature's product. We are product of ourselves.

Now the world has gone so far, there is no point of return. I know we humans has closed all the doors of return back but there are some options available for our mother earth to makes us return back. Hope such days , won't be experienced in the history of mankind

So let's us try to be natural.

Thank you for your time...........

$ 4.02
$ 4.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Lawa1988
3 years ago
Topics: Life, Time, Philosophy, Money


I like how you elaborate between time, money and life. But i tell you that being with your GF, time stops, money runs and life begins.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha I got that. I too agree with you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Money is a figure of our imagination and trying to put a price on things. Time is priceless and not worth anything because it is worth everything if that makes sense.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This world is game of words of understanding. We can I put our understandings in whatever direction we like. Everything fits in the equation

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly. Thanks for the great read. I like reading things that make me think.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like the comparison of Nutn's and Einstein's concept of time, and how an empty mind affects its consumption and generation. As far as life is concerned, the truth is that travel is life, and money is a human companion on that journey. Alexander the Great considered time to be the most precious resource in the world and placed it before all material wealth.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with your words.

As I said in articles. Money , life and time how to see it depends upon us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Time is Money? Or Life is important issue.i really happy to read your article.Our world it seems to be natural but everything here is artificial.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm still wondering at those people that time doesn't exist and it's just a concept. What do you think about this?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I too support the concept that time doesn't exist it's just the concept.😁😁😁

They all are like me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I like watching movies and cartoon where there is no time concept and they don't notice the day had passed them by 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah agreed

$ 0.00
3 years ago