Blogging VS Vlogging: Which is better?

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3 years ago
Topics: Writing

Blogging VS Vlogging

In this world that full of internet and technology becoming popular day-by-day, different platforms were created depends on the category such as entertainment, educational, informational, and etc. In this article, we will focus in one category which is entertainment.

Under the entertainment, we have these two topic that we will discuss which is blogging and vlogging.

Most of the people are always confused between these two; blogging and vlogging. They were also asking "Can we earn while doing blogs and vlogs?", "Which is better? Blogging or Vlogging?"

After reading this article, you will know their differences and what are the possible opportunities that we will get by doing these two amazing subject.

Nowadays, technology is continuously increasing its popularity because of new discoveries and inventions that can help on everyone. Did you know that you can also earn money using technology?

Before that, we need to discuss our subjects first so we can easily understant the coming informations.

What is blogging?

According to TheBalances.mb. Blogging refers to writing, photography, and other media that's self-published online. Blogging started as an opportunity for individuals to write diary-style entries, but it has since been incorporated into websites for many businesses. The hallmarks of blogging include frequent updates, informal language, and opportunities for readers to engage and start a conversation.

As what you have read, blogging simply means sharing or writing a content depends on your thoughts, it can be your diary and journal but can be publish online using different platforms such as, Publish0x, Hive, Wordpress, and any other blogging platforms that you know.

Since it is published online, it can be seen by different people or in public, this is one of the techniques of different people who wants to promote their product. They are using blogs for promotion since most of the people are using social media and internet.

It can also be a photography but still have a description to discuss the image that you upload. We can also combine the photography and writing so our content would be more interesting.

In making a blog, we need to be more specific on the content that we are doing so the people may not confuse, blog can be specified into three:

  • Informative

  • Persuasive

  • Opinion


This is one of the common type of blog, when we are surfing on the internet and search for a specific word, most of the informations and statements are informative.

Informative has a rootword "inform", which means to give an information and inform the reader depends on the topic that the author discussed.


This is commonly used on the blogs about business. When the "seller" wants to sell his product, he can use a blog to persuade the people who can read the content.

They were also using different photos of their products just to encourage the reader buy their products.


This type of blog is used for the journal of the authors, it can be their diaries just to "store" their memories online. Most if the authors are also uploading their photos just to put some "spice" on their content.

It can also be opinion based on a particular topic that they want to discussed. In short, you are delivering your speech by logging it.

What is vlogging?

According to, A vlog is a video that documents a person’s life. It is a portmanteau of the word ‘video’ and ‘blog’. As the name suggests, a vlog is a video blog that records a person’s thoughts, opinions, and interests typically for publication on the internet.

This type of log is popular because of the platform that we all know which is YouTube. As what we have read, vlog is also like a blog where you can give informations, opinions and persuade people with the use of video material.

In making a vlog, you need to be more artistic since we need to edit it to makes your video cooler and pleasant to the viewers. There's a lot of things to consider in vlogging such as editing, transitions, sound effects and even the place where you will take the video.

What is the difference of blogging ang vlogging?

As written in, The difference between a blog and a vlog is that a blog is a written piece of communication whereas a vlog is created in a video format. Both can be created for an audience by an individual who is trying to create a personal connection with an audience. 

To make it simple, blogging is a written content that will give you an idea, informations, entertainment, and etc. Meanwhile, vlogging is in the form of video where you can share your ideas, informations, entertaining videos, and etc.

What is their similarities?

They are similar in terms of their topics. You can make an informative, persuasive and opinion based on the topic that you are discussing.

Can we earn in blogging and vlogging?

Obviously yes, we can earn through blogging and vlogging depends on the contract or terms and conditions of the platform. Commonly, you will be paid because of the advertisement through Google Adsense.

Note that not all platforms are not paying bloggers and vloggers.

What is the best between the two?

For me, there is no best between the two because they are just equal. If you love writing articles, sharing your ideas, give your opinions through writing and you're a shy type person who don't like to face on camera, then blogging is for you.

Otherwise, if you love making videos and you are confident to show your face on camera, then vlogging is for you.

Your choice will say the best for you and it depends on what you like. In my opinion, doing vlog needs more effort compared to blogging because you need to edit your videos so it is pleasant to watch and presentable in viewers.

Closing thoughts

Lastly, I therefore conclude that technology can help us in different things such as expressing our feelings by making a blogs and vlogs. This hobby can also turn into positive especially if you are earning money by sharing your thoughts on different and unique way.

Terms to remember:

  • Blogger-the person who makes blog.

  • Vlogger-the person who makes vlog.




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Avatar for Laurenceuuu
3 years ago
Topics: Writing


The main difference is that vlogging takes more time to create a quality vlog in comparison to a quality blog. Because with a quality vlog, you have to create the outline, record in video, edit, post and share.

Will you be vlogging?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I love editing videos but I'm too lazy to do it. Besides, I'm camera shy haha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahaha me too!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Like what you said, one of them is not better than the other. It depends on each one of us, or let me restate it this way. It is a case to case basis.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Indeed! They are equal and the better one depends on the creator and author.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A video blog or video log, sometimes shortened to vlog, is a form of blog for which the medium is video. Vlog entries often combine embedded video with supporting text, images, and other metadata.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

That's what I mentioned on my article, thanks for passing by!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think it depends on the person if what craft suits to his/her skills. If he/she is good at visuals, editing, persuading, or even entertaining the audience, then it's better if he/she will be at vlogging. However, it's still depends on your luck since this opportunity talks about your promising popularity to earn money. Meanwhile, blogging is meant for people who want to earn money for those people who were good and capable at that skill. Your own visuals is not necessary on this but you should be good at editing and descriptive writing since they will only visualize your work. However, this hobby is not for everybody since.....

Napahaba comment ko. Ituloy ko na lanhlg to next week o baka mamaya

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well yeah, you explained it well😎

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Then vlogging is best for me.Because I am not good in writing but good in video making.Thanks I was also confused b/t Blogging and Vlogging .But now I am clear enough.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

It's good to hear that you learned something. If you are good in making videos go for it!

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago