Three boxes to throw after a relationship !!

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Avatar for Lara888
2 years ago

Pink life, flirting phrases, romantic evenings, and red hearts everywhere..yes everything is perfect and the dream knight is by your side. Suddenly all of this collapses.. Hearts are broken, tears are shed, promises are broken. Yes it's the end. You may think that the earth has stopped spinning and this is the end of the world but hey hello.. I'm at the end of the world and I'm telling you it doesn't look like you imagine at all. Yes, who among us did not live this scenario? None of us haven't gone through this moment. All of us and I mean it, all of us lived love stories that we thought were eternal but the ending wasn't happy, it wasn't what we hoped for. And dreams did not come true. Well it's okay, it happens to everyone. That's normal.

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This is normal, but do you know what is abnormal? It's your standing there at that point where you can't go forward and you can't go back. Stuck in the middle, unable to get past it. Well I'm here to help you, a simple way, all you have to do is bring 3 boxes of different colors and follow me. Simple steps but it will save you. 3 boxes in three colors.. black, red, and white

Let's start with the black box..yes bring it here please, that's good, now put in this box all the bad memories in the relationship, all the fights, disagreements, and the moment of parting. Put in the box all the dark moments in the relationship that made you cry one day. Done? Close the box tightly. You have to get rid of this first, the anger, the dark feelings and the sadness that eats your heart, get rid of it and forget it, you owe it to yourself. You won't get over that and the negative feelings fill your soul. Throw this away. And go to the next box.

Our next box is the red one, in this box you will collect all the beautiful memories and happy times, the romantic moments and the nice nicknames that you used to say to each other, they may be dear moments to your heart but you can't keep them, they became only memories. Holding on to it won't bring the person back, it will only make you longing and attached. It won't allow you to advance. You must realize that you miss how you feel in those memories, not the person himself. Let it go, free yourself. Close the box and go to the third one.

The last box in white, it's my favorite box, it should be your favorite box too. It is white because at this moment you will start a new white page. You will give yourselves a new opportunity. Yes, one stage has passed and another will come, and it will be better if you allow it. Start over, create a life that you are at the center of. You are the most important person in your life, take good care of yourself and don't allow anyone to make you forget this, whoever it is. Keep this box open and fill it with all the things you want. It's white, so color it with your favorite color.

Thanks for being with me. The pictures are mine but the lead image from

$ 3.34
$ 3.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Lucifer01
$ 0.03 from @Jelena
+ 3
Avatar for Lara888
2 years ago


People in love only talk about love. I can smell a new love here too. It seems to be the purpose of someone. I am right @Lucifer01.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well, my box is stolen. With everything you said, it’s been stolen or I must say I kept my boxes to you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hope that you won't need to use them

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everything is stolen by you. I live in you now ❀️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ahhhhh I like it😍😊 i have my favorite box too and that was number 3. Everything starts from ourselves.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Well, that's great.. it's the must important box dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is useful advice. The psychological effect can be very successful. When I broke up with my ex, I packed all his gifts and all memories in one big box and threw it away. After that, I felt an incredible relief. I remember my aunt running out into the street to get some digital picture frame out of the box, to keep it 🀣

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha, this is really the best thing you can do to get over it..the psychological effect is very important..I hope you got through it well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, I got through it well because I found a new boyfriend soon after that 🀣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good for you dear 🀣🀣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, you need to forget about everything bad and move forward

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yup dear that's what you have to do

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

A beautiful strategy you have suggested mate... We should forget negative energies, collect positive energies.. And start a new life, as we are writing a nrw life on Bank paper from start

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you.. Yes, getting rid of negativity and looking forward with an eye of optimism is the solution to everything

$ 0.00
2 years ago