We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.

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2 years ago

Verily we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return ( Al Quran).

There was a time when there was no life on earth and there will be a time when there will be no life. Allah Pak sends humans to this world for testing. We all are here just to prepare for one exam, that is going to be held on Roz-e Jaza. This world is nothing, just a time to prepare for the only test. He showed us both the right and wrong ways and choice is ours, what we choose, whether right or wrong, this world or hereafter.  We as Muslims believe in Yom-e- Akhirah ( day of judgment). We all know we will be answerable in front of Allah for every act. We all will return to Him one day or the other. Maybe it is your turn today and tomorrow it's mine.

When you are alive, no one cares about you, no one values you, and people ignore you. They don’t care whether you are short of money to feed your kids or money to marry your daughter or cure your disease. We judge others based on their looks, appearances, and money. But when someone dies we show our concern to a greater extent. We start posting memories with them. That all seems so ridiculous. An alive person has no value, but when he/she dies, we value them, and that dignity and care are useless for them.

nowadays, I have seen a trend. That is when someone dies, and people start posting their pictures on social media. Others take screenshots and in a nick of seconds, pictures viral. Then many of them post on social media on daily basis and write broken statements etc. to gain the public’s sympathy.  Believe me, no one cares about others' losses, don’t advertise your emotions in front of others. Instead, say a little prayer for the departed soul. Cashing someone's death couldn’t help the departed soul. Do something that helps them in the grave and on the of judgment.

I have a strong belief that I will return to Him anytime, in any situation. whenever you heared such news from my side. i request you not to post my pictures on social media.not to post memories with me. Have you ever seen me posting /sharing my pictures? Nopes! Then please don’t do it after my death. If you love me, and if the news of my death saddened you, say a little prayer for my forgiveness. Give sadqa to a deserving person in my name and say my name in your 5 times a day prayers. That all can help me in the life hereafter.

I am not prepared for the day of judgment, I am a person full of sins, I spent my life at the peak of sins. I need duas for forgiveness. Maybe your duas can assist me to be forgiven. Maybe your sadqa is the source of my forgiveness.

May Allah Pak allows to do good deeds for our akhirah anf bless us all with hidayat. Amin

(Title is a verse of Holy book Quran E Pak.

Lead image is taken from unsplash).


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Written by
2 years ago


We should prepare yourself for the day of judgment. Coz Allah sent us in this world to prepare for eternal life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So true

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2 years ago