Business investment

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3 years ago

Investment is the act of creating wealth opportunities, using already made money to increase the chances of getting more money. Every investment is geared towards making profits, although not all achieve this goal a well-planned investment always yield good dividend.

Investments can be in the form of businesses, assets, skills, and other forms of creating wealth. Investing in a business is like the most common form of investment. Businesses can be in the pattern of buying and selling or rendering services in exchange for money.

Before investing in a business certain factors needs to be considered to ensure the growth of such business. These factors can either boost or hinder the residual and gross income of such business. These factors are:

            Environmental factors

These are factors beyond the control of business management. They can be external or internal.

External environmental factors: these are opportunities or threats that exist in a business location. no business is built in a vacuum, it has to act and react to what happens outside the business premises, that is why this factor is always considered first. They include accessibility. To ensure good turn up, your business should be established in a place that can be accessed.

Internal environmental factors: these are the none visible factors that affect the business, they can be micro or macro factors. 

Macro factors: 

Affects the smooth running of the business, they are known as the operational factors. Includes competitors, suppliers etc: before starting a business think about your competitors, their strength and weaknesses then lavage on their weakness to make your business unique and more enticing compared to theirs.

The micro factors:

 Also known as general factors include government policies, social norms and value. To establish a business in any given area, you must consider the legality and legitimacy of such business in that area. Not every business moves in a certain area, the lifestyle of the people should be considered.

Investing in crypto currency is another form of investment and it's very lucrative. When you buy token at the cheaper rate and hold, then sell it when the token price rise, this will give you much profit than you can imagine.

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3 years ago


Very well written @Ladyv28 you should keep writing about financial things, there's lack of basic financial education in people. Very well done 👍

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Thank you so much for your encouragement

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