My papa was a good contractor, he employed the services of his great companion who helped him bring forth his already planned edifices into existence, after the work he never rested took up responsibility for all his mansions to make sure they are up to standard furnished his mansions, decorated them both interior and exterior with the help of his better half, unfortunately, he has gone exile but he is happy knowing his mansions are the envy of all.
He was a great worker who made good use of the mighty tool gifted to him by Almighty, he never did an illegal work, rather he chose his best partner whom he worked with and effort were made manifest, he is always there for all his works and of course for his partner, he made sure his works are well cared for, given all attention and he never let any of his works down even though they are many. I am proud to work of my father, the great worker.
Who would have taught me how to stand on my feet and walk, if not my great teacher. Even when my super Mummy was scared I may slip and fall, my hero will always say* she is got legs, let her learn to use them, for the time shall come when she would have to walk on her own* now I can walk on my own, I can walk out of troubles, walk into success cause my idol taught me how to trace my steps.ย
A father is never a sperm donor rather he is an embodiment of responsible. He never left his flocks unattended to cause he was a real Shepherd, He stood in front of danger to defend his own because he was a warrior, not a weakly, a hero never showed sign of defeat not because he is a robot but because he wants his sheep to learn strength from him.
I love my papa so much, even though he has gone to great beyond, he still occupies a special spot in my heart. belated papa's day papa. My father will always remain the best for me, he is compassionate and kind. Do you love your father? Are you proud to be his child? Let's hear you, use the comments section.
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Oh! Am really sorry about your father! He was a good father, just follow what he taught you, and his blessings will always surround you! ๐๐๐