"How I Overcome My Fear of Ghosts"

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As we know, Filipinos have a lot of beliefs with regards to the different types of ghost. Some are too funny and some are not so child-friendly. Allow me to quickly mention some of those that I know and what I believe they are.

👻 The Famous "White Lady"

Ever since I was a child, I am so terrified of what they called the "White Lady". Supposedly this lady floats, wears white and her face is white. I guess that is why she is called White Lady? 😅 She looks like the spotlight is always lighting up her face. I remember being so afraid of her that I would run so fast, no looking back trying to get home to our house after being at my cousin's house watching Filipino series.

👻 The Giant "Kapre"

This guy supposedly lives in Balete or big trees. He is huge and smokes. He has a loud voice and to be honest I do not know what He does. I still wonder why on a tree and why smoke right? Huge guy with huge smoke would probably kill the tree hmmm🤔

👻 The Half-Bodied "Manananggal"

They say she is a whole person possessed by a demon and can split herself leaving her waist down on the ground while her upper body flies and look for a pregnant woman to devour her baby. Wow, that is beyond creepy and kind of funny if you think about it.

👻 The Little "Nuno Sa Punso"

Apparently, these are the tiny people like I would describe as Smurfs? They live inside a bloated soil and they say I should always pay respect to them. Well back at my hometown where I grew up, we kind have the same looking soil. As a child I was told to pay respect and never offend them. I remember everytime I would pass it, I would say Hi or Hello. I even remember trying to talk to them. I guess they became my invisible friends?😅Until one time, a strong rain happened and made the bloated soil collapse. I was hoping to finally meet them but to my surprise I didn't see the little "Nuno sa Punso" but the tiny termites all trying to put their house back together🤣

I am writing this not to bring out fear to anyone but to inspire and empower those who are so terrified by these. I used to be one. Even as an adult, I was still really afraid of it. Little teasing from friends and sharing of stories like these would give me goosebumps and adds more fear in me. BUT I AM PROUD TO SAY THAT I HAVE OVERCOME MY FEAR ON THESE 'CREATURES'. How????

🔥Everytime I get scared with things like these, I would pray. I would pray that God will give me the strength and the courage to believe that these things could not touch me or hurt me. I would pray that God will give me peace instead of fear.

🔥I memorized Bible verses that are related to overcoming fear. So when I feel fear, I would declare and say those verses out loud. Suddenly, the feeling of fear is gone, true story!!

🔥I choose not to watch horror movies anymore. I now know that doing so will only create a gateway for fear to come in again and trap me. So I refuse to leave any doors open to this. I choose what my eyes would or should see for I know visual self would remember it all ❤️

🔥I avoid listening to ghost stories and jokes. I know myself so well that if I indulge myself on listening to peoples' stories and jokes about this, then fear would try to come in again. So there are times when I had to remove myself subtly from the group whenever they start talking about these things. I choose what I should hear and take in for it doesn't take long until my brain plays on it❤️

🔥 I always remind myself that I am a child of God and that greater is God who is in me than them. Understanding this gives me a solid confidence that I do not fear easily and there is no need to fear these things for HE is with me and in me.❤️

SO yes ladies and gentlemen, overcoming fear from these 'creatures' is POSSIBLE. For God did NOT give us the spirit of fear but of LOVE and SOUND MIND.

ReadCash friends, tell me WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF? I would love to hear from you too!!!😅

Thank you for reading❤️

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