What is Your Favourite?

4 13

Here You have Four option 

1 Coca Cola

2 Pepsi Cola

3 Sprite

4 Fanta

Which is your favourite soft drink? And Why do you like it?

I am a huge soft drinks lover. Its 11:05 PM and I am drinking sprite. So I thought why not I ask you guys what is your favorite cold drink. Sprite contains a taste of lemon 🍋 which I really like.

 There is no caffene in sprite. It is sybolised by green color bottle. In market 7up is the competitor of sprite but I prefer sprite over 7up. And it comes under the umbrella of coca cola company.

Another thing it has low calories as compared to other other cold drinks.

This post a kind of free write for me in 2 min.

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for me coca cola and sprite but if you want just only one for me is coca cola. i don't like fanta because i don't know that drinks haha and i don't like pepsi too because ???? i don't know ehhe

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3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago

1 Coca Cola

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3 years ago