I love you virtual god

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Everyone's love can be the same but not everyone's love is the same. I don't love him. I have fallen in love with him. Can anyone believe that I have not made up any prayers in this greed?  I have to ask him and it is true that I have asked him with my head in prostration but I did not get it ...

 The saddest thing about not meeting him was that in his eyes I also had a hunger for the body, but on the Day of Judgment he will come to believe that in return for every good deed I would ask Allah for him.  Used to give charity

 Maybe he doesn't know that in the greed of getting it, I have worshiped so much that if I did it for the sake of Allah, I would have become a Wali.  ...

 Can any lover of today swear that he has not even thought of touching his beloved till today?

 Maybe two or three people aren't like that, but I can swear, I swear, I haven't had a bad idea about it, I think he's extremely pure and innocent, and people can believe it.  So just read his words and I fell in love with him ...

 I think the good deeds and deeds done in the greed of getting it will be slapped on my face on the Day of Judgment. She will be innocent but what will I answer to my Allah ...

 I have fallen in love with a non-mahram. How can I seek intercession from the Holy Prophet (sws) on the Day of Judgment?

 Readers, I confirm that

 The love of a non-mahram is a torment

 And I advise you to make real love instead of virtual love. Allah's love will not allow you to fail in both worlds. I am in so much pain at the moment that my heart wants me to commit suicide.  Better a poor horse than no horse at all.

 Let me end with this poem

 Unfaithful to your promises

 So we would be virtual gods too

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$ 0.00
3 years ago
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3 years ago

They're mysterious.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice write up

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3 years ago


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3 years ago