Divorce & kid's future

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Nowadays it's very usual to fight or arguewith your mate on some issues and take final decision of divorce. It's a worse ever decision in my point of view, I think both husband and wife have to compromise and adjust with each other.

If husband fags outside to keep his wife happy then wife also do the same at home. She takes care of the family, cooks food for them, cleans house and takes care of their children. Both need to understand that they both love each other and just to keep their partner Happy and relax, they keep working. But they shouldn't never think about divorce.

These parents take decision and they become selfish, cruel, just think about their self but not about their children future rather than to adjust they destroy their future kids, these kids start hating their parents that why they did it with us?

Why we have such a worthless parents who don't care us, who just love to live their own life. Many of these children fed up with these situations, even they can't face people due to their parents. Their immunity start getting weaker, cause they think all the time and feel inferior in the environment. They can't study properly, they have to find job at early ages. Sometimes not mother wanna keep their kids neither father wanna keep them in his house and both are at the mercy of Allah.

But still divorce ratio is at peak and their isn't any solution regarding divorce or disentangling the matter among couples.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder


Divorce is very bad for child

$ 0.00
3 years ago

lead to a broken family

$ 0.00
3 years ago