A chance to love again

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3 years ago

Walking through that lonely path which has become dusty, with dry leaves, no life,no joy, and no one to talk with.

The birds packed their bags and flew south a long time ago, they sang in low tones as they traveled by, their song was of ME, they sang thus '' LOVE WAS LOST AND FEELINGS DIED '' . It's a story of my past made to rhyme  into melodies.

I was alone in solitude, sad, sober and subverted, The best I could do was hope,the worse I could have done was to curse love & die, but like Job I held on to faith and strength to carry on.

The goddess of love looked down at me with pity and repaid me all that life stole from me,She gave me EMERALD as a GIFT, the day I found her nature reawakened, the rain watered and blessed the dying plants.

Who shared the news with the birds? I see them flying back with a new song about a boy who got another chance to LOVE AGAIN ❤️❤️

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3 years ago


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