Ninja: The New Member of the Family

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2 years ago

Good afternoon, Thursday! Just a little bit more patience and this week will finally come to an end again. I am so eager to have weekends already.

I slept late last night but still, I woke up with a good mood and for today, I decided to write about the newest member of our family!

We have mama dog named Labang (because of her spotted color of brown and white) and it had another set of five puppies last January. After reaching two months, four of the dogs already left our home and went to their new homes. But, one puppy stayed and he is Ninja!

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I initially named him Panda but my papa said that it would be better if his name will be Ninja. All those five puppies are cute and adorable but I chose this one because it has color black. The other four are white and brown and we already have dogs with that color.

Another reason why I chose Ninja to stay with us is that he is very active but at the same time, he easily falls asleep anywhere.

Ninja is also very good in eating; he eats everything and even if his tummy is already too big, he would still go back to his plate to finish it all. He likes it when I rub his belly. He likes to sit beside me all the time.

At the moment, we have four dogs at home. It should’ve been five but my Pampu died last February 14. It was heartbreaking but he’s already too old and I am happy that he can now go to doggy heaven and play with my other dogs who crossed the rainbow bridge.

This is Ninja being cute after my class—relieving my stress. He comes visit me too during my class or if I’m busy in my room. He is becoming more and more clingy every day and he always wants attention.

There’s a part of me that doesn’t want him to grow big. He’s cute being such a small dog.

Sometimes I don’t know if I’ll get mad or what but I end up laughing.

He loves to sleep near my eggplants. Please excuse the grasses, I wasn’t able to clean it up yet at that time. He likes it there because the ground is cool. He runs around my plants which worries me because he might destroy the eggplant.

I don’t think I can live without dogs. It hurts though when the time will come that they will have to leave that is why I do my best to keep them happy and loved all the time as much as they make me feel loved and joyful.

If I ever will get rich, I swear I will put up a dog compound for all the street dogs who are being left one alone somewhere and don’t have a home to go to. I will open it for people who want to adopt.

We have 3 aspins and 1 which is mixed shih tzu and maltese. Next time, I’ll show her to all of you. But for now, that’s Ninja and I hope you find him cute as well.

I wish dogs live longer because they are a lot better than many humans. Let us love not only our dogs but to all the animals. Let us not hurt them. They have a family too, and if not, we should treat them as a part of ours.

Thank you for reading and have a blissful day!


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$ 4.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Jijisaur
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2 years ago


What a cutie! I always have a heart for pets, especially dogs. Say hi for me hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How I wish also to have dogs at home. Maybe later if our kids grow young.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You should get dogs because they are loyal and can help relieve stress hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

He has a cute appearance and cute name! I hope your dream to make a dog compound will come true someday.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, thank you! It serves as an inspiration for me to study and work harder.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wow. cute dog and i love the color friend so cute he is, i have a dog too and i love them so much for being my friend when i'm lonely.

$ 0.00
2 years ago